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An entire month had passed, and jaemin showed no signs of giving up, nor getting bored, if anything, he just got more and more excited, today was the art show, where all the students would show their final art pieces and get a mark for how well they presented it to the other students, parents, and guests. Because Jaemin was in the class, it was now a big deal for some reason and everyone was going, because of all the hype everyone was nervous, well, except Jaemin of course.

"C'mon Injunnie you'll be fine! I'll be right beside you, literally because our displays are beside each other" Jaemin tried hyping up renjun but it seemed like he was wilting away from nervousness. He got to cheat a little bit by writing a note for an explanation, but that doesn't mean he still isn't nervous, from what it sounded like, everyone was going, and a high school of 1200 kids crowded in the gym seemed like chaos.

Throughout the month, Jaemin's grades were improving tremendously, and he would be receiving an award for the biggest gpa boost the school has seen, going from an average of 72% to 91% in a month was something that even amazed himself. Whenever someone asked, he just told them he had a secret weapon, which was huang renjun, who now spelt almost everything right in small but confident writing.

Jaemin still hadn't seen renjun's finished painting, nor the note, but he knew it carried at least some answers to questions that swam around his mind ever since he walked in the old art room. They were currently at renjun's apartment, the art students and those getting an award got the morning themselves to get ready, and the two decided to get ready at renjun's since his place was closer and jaemin had to hype renjun up.

Renjun was also getting two awards, the artistic mind award, which he thought was really dumb, basically it was for whoever showed the most artistry and creativity that year, but since art was subjective he found it really stupid. Then an honour student award because he passed each of his advanced classes with straight A's and only three other students were able to do that.

Jaemin became renjun's voice over that time too, renjun would write what he wanted to say and jaemin would say it for him. 'My dad will be coming to the awards and show, btw' renjun wrote, even using an abbreviation like an absolute master at English, "woah woah woah, really?! I just thought kun was! You can't suddenly bring up that my future dad in law is coming! Will he like me? Holy shite I think I'm having a heart attack" Jaemin rambled. 'You're fine, I've told him about you and he's very excited to meet you' "Really!? And don't think I didn't notice how you didn't correct me when I said future dad in law ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" Jaemin said, causing renjun to blush profusely.

They had to wear casual formal wear, and after a lot of begging from Jaemin at the tuxedo place, they were matching in some way, Jaemin had a deep purple blazer with a white shirt and dark, semi-tight jeans with a lilac handkerchief. Renjun had a white turtle neck and a deep purple vest overtop with dark tight jeans. Anyone who looked at them could see them matching, renjun being slightly flustered and jaemin being extremely proud and confident.

To pass the time, Jaemin sat on the couch scrolling through TikTok, while renjun took a quick power nap, he couldn't sleep last night because of nervousness, so he was laying on the couch with his head on Jaemin's thigh. Jaemin took a few pictures before he gently woke him up since they had to leave in 10 minutes to make it to school on time, he helped renjun fix his hair and they were off. Over time renjun got used to the motorcycle and jaemin even bought him a helmet so that renjun didn't have to worry about the taller having no helmet. Renjun even painted it pink so they could tell which is which.

They quickly made it to school, since it was during class right after lunch no one was in the halls, they fixed their hair again in the bathroom before going to the art room where they were supposed to be, everyone stared at how they were matching. Renjun blushed at the attention, while Jaemin smiled even brighter. They had the awards first, then the festival where the art show would take place and other projects classes and clubs did would be on display.

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