Welcome Back To Hogwarts

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"Time to wake up Miss Craft,"

Fae groaned as the bright light shined into her eyes. She hissed and rolled over on her side pulling the blankets over her head to shield herself. Suddenly, the blankets were ripped off of Fae as Madame Pomfrey used a spell.

"You need to start getting ready. The new students will arrive tonight." Pomfrey said. "Dumbledore has requested you to meet him in his office."

As Fae entered Dumbledore office, she saw him sitting at his desk looking over some papers. He looks up as he sees her approach. "Miss Craft," Dumbledore smiled. "Did you have a good night's rest?"

"If having a good night's sleep meaning being manhandled while being forced to take a potion is considered that, then yes, I suppose I did." Fae said, sarcastically.

"I will have a talk with Severus about it. Now I assume you know why you're here?" Dumbledore asked.

"I figured that you would get the hint but I guess not. I'm not interested in teaching, Dumbledore. I love being an auror. It's the only thing I live for, " Fae said.

Suddenly, there was a loud thump as something smacked against the window it. Fae nearly jumped out of her seat at the sound. The two turned towards the window to see an tawny owl pressed up against the glass with a letter in it's beak. Fae covered her face with hand and blushed in embarrassment when she recognized that it was hers. Dumbledore stands up and walks over to the window and opens it taking the letter from the owl's beak. The tawny owl screeched as Dumbledore took the letter from her then flew into the room landing onto the Headmaster's desk.

Dumbledore looks down at the letter reading it to see who it was from. "It is a letter for you from the Ministry," He said as he read the letter .

"You are fired."

" What?!" Fae screamed in disbelief. She took the letter from the headmaster's hands and skimmed over it.

"Dear Miss Craft, The Ministry has hereby terminated your position as an auror. Please come to pick up your belongings."

"Wait a minute, why would they just fire me! They can't do that!" Fae shouted. "I've done nothing wrong!"

Dumbledore sits down in the chair at his desk, sitting across from Fae. "I asked them to," He tells her as he petted Fae's owl.

Fae's eyes widen in shock and her mouth dropped slightly staring at the old man. "You what?!" She exclaimed angrily. She stood up and slammed her hands down on the desk. "Why did you do that!?"

"Miss Craft," Dumbledore said. "I'm sorry that this has happened. But, I need your magical talents. Although, you have to look at this from another point of view. Maybe, this was meant to be."

"If you mean being sacked is a good thing, then your crazier than I thought, " Fae huffed.

Dumbledore laughs. "What I mean is, is that you still have an opportunity here, at Hogwarts," He tells her.

"And what's that? Babysitting kids?" Fae asked, sarcastically.

"You were once a kid yourself Miss Craft and once was a student here," Dumbledore said. "As I recall, you and your friends were a troublesome bunch." Fae immediately stopped her ranting. Her cheeks grew red in embarrassment and she slumped into the chair.

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