First Time

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I walk down the narrow strip of dirt, following after Sarah in my high heels. Cam greets me at the edge of the bonfire and laces his fingers into mine Sarah smiles and walks off leaving me and Cam by ourselves " let's head to my room" he whispers in my ear making me shiver. We walk hand in hand towards his beach hut. when we enter the mood suddenly changes and we collapse on the bed in each other's embrace. his lips find mine and we fumble with each other's clothes, my fingers find the loop in his jeans and I yank them down. his hands entwine with my belt and he takes it off before pulling off my dress we lay there in our under wear wrapped up in each other until finally I un clip my bra Cam gasps as I lay down on his chest. At some stage in the last hour we had sex now we lay side by side only our arms touching as we both need to breath. There's a knock on the door and a squeak as it opens and in walks Sarah yapping on the phone.

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