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Please excuse me guys, I was feeling terrible yesterday. I hope to never fail again, but heeeeey today there will be two chapters =) I tried to make up for my missing episode soooo hope you like this one as much as I did. I loved writing it... <3

Wait a few hours for the other episode. 



Nathalie was in the dining room wrapping up some gifts, Gabriel sitting next to her sipping a tea and reading a new novel when Adrien ran downstairs.

-Guys, it's snowing, can I go outside to play? - asked the kid.

-Absolutely not- snapped Gabriel -You will catch a cold.

The kid's excitement almost immediately disappeared from his face, his gaze moved to the floor.

Nathalie looked at Gabriel and then back at Adrien.

-Well if you promise to take your jacket, gloves, scarf, and hat, maybe you can go outside for around 30 minutes - she said.

-Nathalie! - said Gabriel, staring at her.

-Come on it's Christmas, just 30 minutes - whispered Nathalie smiling at him.

It was impossible for Gabriel to refuse anything she asked with that smile on her face.

-30 minutes, Adrien! - he accepted.

-Yes!!!! Thank you father, thank you, mother... - the kid began running upstairs and stopped the moment he realized what he had called Nathalie.

-I am... - he began saying.

-Hurry up! - she smiled in return - Time is ticking.

The kid smiled and hurried upstairs.

Gabriel was dumbfounded by the way his son had referred to his assistant. His gaze was lost in the book before him.

-What was that? - he asked.

-It was nothing - said Nathalie holding his hand and landing his thoughts - we will get her back.

Nathalie's smile was so full of honesty and color, it was impossible not to fall under her spell.

Why didn't she smile much before?

-Can you? - he answered ignoring the previous conversation.

-Do you know how to wrap gifts?

-Not really.

Nathalie laughed.

-Then, here - she said extending him the tape - hand me 1-inch strips when I ask you to, okay?


After approximately an hour, Gabriel had become an expert in wrapping gifts.

-Look at this masterpiece – laughed Gabriel showing her his perfectly wrapped gift.

-Wow!!! – she congratulated him.

-Well, baby, it seems like we know who's going to be wrapping gifts from now on.

Nathalie was extremely surprised and touched by the nickname he'd just called her, but apparently he didn't even realize what he'd said as he continued with the next gift.

-You are a quick-learner, Sir.

-Gabriel - he corrected.

Nathalie giggled.

Gabenath Christmas SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now