Lillian Dragonstorm Part 1- I'm a Druid?

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Lillian was born with a green dragon parent and a human. She mainly lived with her human brothers and sisters and her half-dragon brother, Deathbringer, helping to take care of her family. As she was dragonborn, she was forced to be kept out of sight whenever guests arrive, and was still somehow supposed to cook dinner for them.
One night with guests over, Lillian was finally allowed outside for a bit as she finished the rest of her chores. The night was peaceful and calm, the complete opposite of the household, and the peace was only interrupted with loud yelling coming from the direction of the house. Lillian headed towards her safe haven, a pond surrounded by tall grasses and accompanied by a proud oak. As Lillian wandered through the tall grass, the scent of water leading her way, she heard a giant eagle call out. Lillian looked up and, sure enough, there sat a beautiful giant eagle.
She carefully picked through the grasses and tentatively sat near the oak tree, not wanting to scare away the animal. Lillian jumped as the household erupted in laughter, interrupting the peace once again. She heard the great eagle tittering and Lillian interpreted that as its form of laughter.
"Yep," Lillian chuckled nervously, "Here I am. A dragonborn scared of laughter."
After sobering up a bit, she looked down at the pond, marveling over how elegant the night sky looked in the reflective water. Lillian suddenly started humming a tuneless tune that, to her, felt like it was encompassing the area around her. Here, a few notes describing the sleeping grass, there, a high pitched note for the mice, and finally, a short pause for the cricket's song. Her humming grew, louder and louder, adding more things into the song! The crickets themselves, the pond, the grand oak, and finally the giant eagle regally looking down upon the singing dragonborn.
As Lillian's last note descended to a stop, Lillian sat down, amazed over how physically and magicly draining it was for her. It felt like.. she was channeling the power of nature and turned it into song, and it sounded so beautiful, even if she never sang before and the song never seemed to end. She wanted to continue, it almost pained her to stop, but her subconscious told her that if she didn't stop, she would've lost her voice temporarily and "ended" it on an unflattering note.
Lillian was so distracted by her thoughts that she didn't notice the eagle left until something fell on her head.
"Wh- hey! What did you do that for?!" Lillian stage whispered to the eagle.
Lillian picked the dropped item up and at a first glance, it looked like a strange staff, but taking a closer look, it seemed to be more of a totem. The totem stood taller than her slightly impressive 6' 2" height and was covered in all sorts of knickknacks, all brought together by a bright green thread.
Lillian looked over at the sitting eagle. She slowly lifted up her staff and, unaware if the eagle could understand her, said in both Common and Draconic, "Thank you, kind eagle. I shall use it well."
Lillian could swear that she saw the eagle nod as it turned its back on her and took off towards the faraway mountains.
"Thank you..."

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