The Power of Love

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It was a sunny spring morning in Hawkins and Mike eagerly waited by the window in his living room for El to arrive. It was one of the weekends El would be visiting Hawkins. Mike was stoked. He couldn't wait til he could hold her hands and kiss her soft lips, to hug her tight and tell her how much she means to him. Mike bounced his leg anxiously, hoping she was almost there as he didn't think could wait any longer to see her. Just then the Byers car pulled into the driveway and Mike quickly jumped up and ran to the door, opening it and running outside.
"Mike!" El exclaimed, hopping out of the car and into Mike's arms. Mike picked her up and spun her around, causing her to giggle. He put her back down and engulfed her in a hug.
"I missed you so much, El!"
"I missed you too!" El said, softly pecking his lips.
"Come on, let's go inside." Joyce said smiling. She knew they had something special, it was more that what Hopper made it sound like, it was true love.
"Okay." El said playfully, intertwining her fingers with Mike's. The two of them walked inside. Joyce joined Karen in the kitchen for some coffee and Mike and El made their way into Mikes room, and were now cuddling on Mike's bed just enjoying each other's presence and taking in each others scents. They hadn't planned on sleeping, but they ended up falling asleep in each others arms. Mike was awakened by his mother's voice.
"Michael! You can't just sleep all day!" Karen yelled through the door. "You were so excited for your girlfriend to come over and now you're just ignoring her." It was then that Mike realized El wasn't in his arms. Panic rushed over him and he sat up quickly.
"El?" Mike questioned, sleepily. Karen sighed.
"She's downstairs." Mike jumped out of his bed and without hesitation ran downstairs into his living room to see El sitting on the couch watching a soap opera.
"You're finally up!" El giggled.
"Sorry I slept so long." Mike said, sitting down next to her.
"Don't worry about it, you were tired." El said, holding his hand. "And it's not even that late." She added. Mike looked over at the clock, it was only 4, but that was still time he could have spent with El that he instead spent sleeping.
"Come on! We should go outside, it's nice out!" El suggested, quickly brushing out Mike's slightly messy hair with her fingers. Mike nodded still feeling bad that he slept so long. El smiled and stood up dragging Mike along with her. She had grown to love nature, since she had been allowed to go outside. El and Mike walked outside, to be greeted by chirping birds, the sound made El smile. El's adorable smile caused Mike to blush slightly. El spotted a gorgeous pink flower on the lawn and sprinted over to observe it. El didn't like picking flowers because she knew it killed them, which the party found hilarious, considering she'd killed literal human beings in the past. Mike smiled at her curiosity and silently wished he'd gotten up sooner so he could've spent more time with her. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't realize El had turned away from the flower and was now focused on him.
"Mike? Are you okay?" El asked, genuinely concerned.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Mike lied, scratching back of his head nervously, he hated lying to her, but he wanted her to be happy like she was a few seconds ago.
"Mike." El scolded, she knew he was lying.
"Yeah, friends don't lie, I know, I know." Mike sighed slowly walking towards her. "I just wish I hadn't slept so late, I want to spend as much time with you as I can, I feel like I never see you anymore, and its driving me crazy El, I miss you so much everyday."
"Mike?" El stood up and walked closer to her boyfriend.
"I just- I love you so much." Mike blurted out, it was the first time he'd actually said I love you  out loud to El, he'd never had the courage, even after he knew she returned the feelings, it just never seemed like the right time.
"Mike." El smiled, connecting their lips. Every kiss they shared was amazing, but this one felt so much more special. There was so much passion and love behind it. The pair both felt extremely intense butterflies, it felt like they were floating, and that's because they were.
"El?" Mike asked, slowly opening his eyes and looking down to see himself hovering above the ground. El's eyes fluttered open to see the same sight. "They're back!" Mike exclaimed. Her powers were back. El slowly lowered them both onto the ground, still in shock, but tears of joy quickly invaded her eyes.
"Mike, I love you so much."

Hey homies, Sorry I didn't write for a really long time, Christmas tingz ✌️. Anyways happy holidays and sorry if this wasn't the most splendid thing I've ever written.

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