Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up to soft whisperings and gentle caressing. A smile falls on my lips as I enjoy the feel of gentle hands rubbing down my sides. I cuddle into the warmth.

"Kalem? Are you awake?" I recognize the voice as Antonio's and I lean even more into the touch.

"Mmm go back to bed Nio, I'm sleepy," I say trying to go back to sleep. I felt like I hadn't slept in years despite just waking up.

"I think you've slept enough, my love. It's time to wake up," he said gently, removing his hands. I felt his warmth leave the bed and I sighed in disappointment.

I slowly let my eyes flutter open and I'm met with a beautiful sight. Antonio in a suit, god I think I fell in love with him a second time. I hold my arms out trying to get him to come lay down with me.

His face turned puzzled but he complied, slipping out of his expensive shoes and laying down next to me, wrapping his arms around me.

Right as I'm starting to drift off again, I hear Antonio ask, "What do you remember from last night, Kalem?"

I try to recall, but I can't. I open my eyes with a confused look on my face, staring right into Antonio's pitch black eyes.

"I don't remember anything to be honest, what happened last night?" I replied, closing my eyes again.

He laughed, it sounded off, but then again he doesn't do it very much.

"So you don't remember getting drunk and coming to our house, crying over Tanner moving?"

I gasped, "Tanner moved? When did that happen."

"I'm not sure. You came home and you were upset about it. He invited you over after ignoring you for days and just said that he didn't want to stay in contact, you don't remember?" He said.

I never got to answer, however, because Benton walks in the room. He stares at me and Antonio cuddled next to each other before silently looking at Antonio, who just shakes his head. Sometimes I get jealous at the silent communication they have. I want that with them, but then again I haven't known them for that long.

I push of the jealous feeling and reach my free arm out to Benton.

"Benny come lay with us," I ask frowning. My other side is cold and it feels like I haven't seen them in forever. When was the last time I saw them? I can't remember anything.

He slowly obliges and comes and lays down on my other side. He smells really weird, but I can't place the smell.

"Benton, I don't wanna be mean, but you kind of stink."

He tenses up for a minute before laughing.

"Yeah sorry I just went to an at home patient and their house was in a rough position. Luckily, I think CPS is going to check it out soon. The parents were not taking care of themselves or the kid," He said with a small frown on his face. I feel a little bad for asking.

"You should probably shower then, I bet you're exhausted too! Hurry up and we can all take a nap together, I miss you guys."

I felt Antonio laugh, his chest vibrating on my back.

"You saw us yesterday morning Kalem, how can you miss us that much?" he asks, joy clear in his voice.

I look up to see Benton's confused face, but it quickly morphs into a smile. Why does he seem like he doesn't remember yesterday either? Was he with us? Antonio did say us, right? Why can't I remember anything?

I laugh to break the silence.

"It's because I like you guys so much, duh."

I don't know what's going on but I need to find out. If they're lying about something, maybe I can just make something up and they'll go along with it?

"Also, yesterday do you guys know what Noah called about?"

Noah never calls first, he hasn't even texted in awhile so if they make something up, then something has to be up.

Benton's eyes darken a little and I feel Antonio squeeze my sides a little tighter.

"No, his plane hasn't landed, he didn't call? what are you talking about Kalem?" Antonio answers without missing a beat.

I sigh in relief, maybe they just have weird expressions, I really need to get to know them better. It's like I barely know them. Wait plane?

"Noah got on a plane? When did this happen?" I ask panicking.

Benton answers this time. "Kalem he went back home, you don't remember, he told you when he saw us at your work the other night when I was visiting."

Benton visited my work? Do I need to go to the doctor? Why can't I remember anything? I brush it off and cuddle closer to Benton.

"I don't know my brain isn't working today, but I did miss you guys, so can we please just stay together today?" I ask, A sudden wave of exhaustion suddenly hitting me out of nowhere.

"Of course Kal, I'll call in today and we can just hang out today, and Benton's schedule is clear today, after that appointment," Antonio says grabbing a cover and putting it over the three of us.

I feel so safe with them. We sit there for a few hours just talking. Antonio and Benton met right out of college. Or well, Benton was right out of college, and Antonio was just in town for business. I forget how old they are sometimes. 39 and 34? and I'm just 20. It's insane, they look so young. They've been marries for about 4 years now and are still madly in love.

I'm so envious because while I have no problem being with them, I feel so insecure in the relationship. They're literally married and have nearly 10 years of memories together and I have about 6 months with both of them. I wish I knew them for longer, but they were together before I was even out of middle school. That's really creepy to think about actually. Am I cougar? Or whatever the gay male equivalent is I guess.

I don't know, but I just hope I get to be with them for longer. I don't see it going on for long though, they've probably done this before with other guys. Had fun with them for a little while before moving and never seeing them. I mean, it was 6 months before I even met Antonio. For all I know they get bored after 6 months and get another guy to entertain them. I wonder if this is coming to an end soon? I hope not. For now, I just sit and enjoy the time we do have. Ignoring my insecurities and suspicions.

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