Arc of The New Brotherhood: End and Epilouge

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  I look at him, my brother, standing before my. That is to say, what my brother has become right now.

  [Don't worry partner, he's in there. But we must end this fast, if not he may be able to start powering up again.] Ddraig says to me.

  "Ya. Hey Riv! You know what today is right?" I ask getting a snarl and a roar from the monster. I flinch back a bit; "It's Christmas Rivio! And I'm gonna make sure you come back for the dinner and fun you here me!?" I yell through my armors helmet. Balance Breaker; I had unlocked it finally in the forest when Koneko's older and bustier sister attacked us. I can't hold it for long right now...but Rivio had all this power already?

  I charge forward with the thrusters on my back pushing me faster. At the same time the creature runs at me on all fours. When we reach each other time seems to slow as the adrenaline finally kicks in. It raises a claw and aims for my head- I have a fist going for its chin. With a quick duck I dodge the claw and land a strong upper-cut! To my surprise the thing reeled back then shot its head forward hitting my own. I get sent back a few feet before correcting.

  "Come on Riv, that all you got?" I taunt it. It slowly shambles forward before suddenly vanishing! "What the fuck balls?" I ask as suddenly a snake head bites down onto my shoulder- through my armor- and starts lashing me around. I grit my teeth as I feel it's own start tearing the flesh a bit. This is nothing to what Rivio had to have been feeling while being tortured! I throw my head back in a hail- marry attempt and hit something hard. With the momentary stagger I felt was enough time to yank the snake thing off and pull forward hitting Riv into my elbow.

  "All this time I thought you may have been stronger then me Riv! What happened?" I say with a smirk. This may be life and death...but I can finally see who's stronger! Call it sibling competitiveness.

  I grab hold of the creature and then start up my thrusters. Shooting forward I drag it's face against the ground while holding it to me. Then suddenly it was gone again!

  [Above partner!] Ddraig shouts. I feel the weight of someone on my back and a sudden cold blast of air. Turning my head I see he's ripping my armor off! "Get off!" I yell going into a spin not realizing my mistake. Not only does he get off via teleportation, but I also end up hitting into the ground, then bounce into a tree hard.

  [Partner, your not taking this seriously!] Ddraig yells.

  "I can't. I wouldn't feel right if I accidentally hurt the real him Ddraig, he's my brother!" I say back standing up as my armor repairs itself.

  [I understand what you mean partner, truly I do. But right now you cannot afford for sentimentality to control this fight!] I grit my teeth in anger as I watch the thing that has my brother inside it look to me before thrusting some of those snake things into the ground. Damn it! He's right. [That being said, I'll be helping you as much as I can for this fight. Starting with- MOVE!]

  Following his order I roll out the way as the snake things he put in the ground burst up where I was just standing. Damn! To close! BOOST! my gauntlet yells as I feel my power double again. "Alright then bud, how are we playing this?" I ask Ddraig raising my hand as he suddenly was in front of me again and swinging. He was scratching and peeling off my armor as I backed up from his sudden advance.

  [From What I see, this is similar to a form you cannot attain yet with our Sacred Gear. If it is anything like the Juggernaut then he'll only stop when tired out, dies, or...well maybe bashing him over the head enough could actually work as well come to think of it. Try that!] well then that's something I most definitely can do!

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