The Castle & The Meeting

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     "Up ahead! Get down!" JR whisper, having us dropping to our stomachs as the Nazi patrol possessed. "How many ?" I look over the top, "I count five, and... oh we're screwed."

"What?" "It's a tank. They have tank here. It's a small camp, not just a patrol." I get back down and adjust my gear. Just some extra clothes, a helmet, and a bag of supplies. Compared to the others I'm just somewhat of a rookie. I only got to this unit because of outstanding merit back at basic.

     "Fuck. We have to report this. It's too close to the path we're taking." John says, reaching around and pulling on the long range radio he had. The tank was a Panzer type, and the Germans were standing at separate positions on guard. I don't see any tank crew members so they must still be inside it, just incase anyone attacked the camp.

"Got it. Davis wants us to return so we can plan out our next course of action." What? We can take it out now! It's just a single tank, we should have some explosives to deal with it. "I know that look, and while I'm not exactly one for going against orders, we can't. I don't have any explosives in the bag."

         Damn it. Looks like we have to pull back.

/'Kane's' POV, Allied Base Camp/

       Since I'm not exactly a combatant and under age, I'm helping around with supplies. Well the stuff I can help with anyway. I also clean the gear and spit out any of those creatures. We've been moving for a while now, and in that time I've been talking with that voice. He hasn't told me his name but he has said some interesting stories.

    "So what happens when I get out to the 'real world' like you say? Hasn't it been a while since I woke up here?" I ask while I stay alone in a corner. I told you time moves different than outside. What has felt like days here is just hours in the real world. But we have to hurry, the meeting is starting and your body is on its way.

      "I still don't understand, what do you mean by that? I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."

     Your physical body. Right now your soul is trapped in the Darkness' world for all its past hosts. I think the only reason your seeing the World War 2 stuff is because of your broken memory.

     "I guess. I don't really understand any of this. Hopefully this Anthony person is here like you say."

     He will be. He's a past host like you and I. And like I said all past hosts are trapped here.

     "Does that mean your here?" I ask. I get no immediate reply though. You'll have to find out on your own.


"Alright men listen up! We just got word from J.R that the Krauts set up camp up ahead. This camp is equipped with a tank, and its the only thing standing between us and our destination. So let's get this over with quick, clean, and efficiently. A single blow tonight. We will use the thermite to take out the tank and in the panic finish off any ground troops. Understood?" "Yes sir!"

I guess we're leaving. "Hold it there Kane. Your not going." Davis says, grabbing my shoulder. "What? Why not?"

     "Your to young to be on the front lines of combat. We've already lost great men, I'm not about to lose a child to this war as well. Here, I've written out a path for you to take around the camp and to the village. Go ahead and we will meet you there." He hands me a small piece of paper with the directions to our destination. They have to rendezvous with another group, and I have to find this Anthony person. "Alright. But you all better be there." He smiles and nods. "We will. Now go."

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