Chapter Six: Get In There, Man

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(Y/N) had felt something strange happen to him, an intense stinging had pierced his wrist. He could only describe it as a quill running through his veins. When the pain had subsided a name painted his wrist in green cursive, Bernard Evergreen.

There was only one Bernard he knew, and his last name was unknown to him. What was really strange was the name entirely, in fact when it had first appeared he panicked. Humans didn't get this, and it worried him greatly. What did it mean? What was it for. He left his station almost immediately, he knew that asking his Dad was probably not the best idea, this was mostly because if it was something strange he'd embarrass him no doubt. So, (Y/N) sought out the only elf he thought could help in this situation, Curtis. He did saw he knew and followed the rules the best, therefore there should be some kind of procedure associated with this, right?

Dear God he hoped so. He could not live the rest of his life not knowing what this name was doing on his wrist and who it belonged to.

Curtis was easily found near the doors to the outside, he looked somewhat ruffled, but (Y/N) knew his question couldn't wait.

"Curtis, I have a really weird question for you. Is suddenly getting a name on your wrist, I don't know, normal. I'm freaking out a little bit here, this is not something that happens back home, is it like a magic thing, or..."

Curtis looked confused at his words.

"Wait, you have a name on your wrist? When did this happen?"

(Y/N) sighed anxiously. "Just now, actually."

Curtis rose a brow. "Whose name is it? Show it to me."

The human boy rolled up his sleeve to reveal the curved letters, and sure enough it was still there, clear as day, Bernard Evergreen.

The portly elf gasped.

"What is it? Is it bad?"

"No, only I've never seen a human have one."

"Well, what is it?!" (Y/N) was growing worried and increasingly impatient.

"It's the name of your soulmate. Usually only elves get them, but it seems you're a special case, so no it's not bad and it's nothing to worry about."

"But who's-

"Sorry, (Y/N). I've gotta go, I have a schedule to keep!" Curtis looked at his watch to see he was indeed late for an incredibly important meeting.


The Council of Legendary Figures gathered in Santa's office once again. It seemed like all the drama was saved solely for the winter holiday, and Curtis was getting sick of being the bearer of bad news.

"So, what is it you have to tell us, Curtis?" Santa asked, leaning back into his seat, cradling his hot cocoa.

The elf stammered, oh no, this was going to end very badly, he prayed Bernard wouldn't find out.

"Well, sir. It's your son."

Santa's eyes lit up.

"Isn't he great, I hear from Bernard that he's been doing an amazing job in the workshop, claims he could even replace you!" Santa laughed heartily, with lightheartedness behind it.

"It's not that, sir. As of recently there's been a..uh, development."

The serious look on Curtis' face worried Santa, but he stayed quiet and listened. The elf took a deep breath before continuing.

"Your son seems to have developed 'The Mark', as the elves call it."

Cupid gasped, he looked absolutely flabbergasted, and this only heightened Santa's attention.

"And... What does that mean, exactly?"

Before Curtis could explain Cupid started for him.

"Magical beings develop names on their wrists, these names are those of their soulmates, and the most widely known race to have them are the Elves. So it seems a great shock to me that the son of Santa would develop one considering he was born before you became Santa Clause... Unless..."

"Unless what? Spit it out, Cupid." The tooth fairy was very annoyed.

"Unless your son's soul mate is indeed an elf."

The entire room erupted in chaos before Mother Nature called for order.

"Now, this is not unheard of, but it is unusual. Curtis, would you tell me, did (Y/N) show you the name on his wrist?" Mother Nature asked gently.

Curtis gulped, boy was he going to get it, and not just from Santa.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Will you please share this name with us."

Curtis was sure he wanted to die.

"It was... Bernard. Bernard Evergreen."

Santa stood from his chair quickly.


The tooth fairy placed his hands on Santa's shoulders in an attempt to calm him down.

"Now, wait a minute. Bernard is almost a million years old! My son is an eighteen year old boy! How could that be right?!"

Cupid spoke gently.

"Calm down, listen for a minute alright. If they both have the other's names on their wrists then there's nothing for you to worry about. Yes, Bernard has lived much longer than your son, but the stars that were overhead when he was born are the very same your son was born under, and there's no mistaking that. The universe does not make mistakes."

Santa looked at a loss, he was in such disbelief. I suppose a part of him still believed his son was a child.

"But, what does this mean?"

"It means what it means. They're made for the other and that's all there is to it. If I were you I'd get used to it, they're going to find out sooner or later. And believe you me, if they won't do anything they're not ready for. You've got nothing to worry about."

Santa's head was reeling. This was really happening and not some crazy dream after too many cookies in the middle of the night.

"Alright. I guess you are the expert. I'll... I'll be okay."

Northern Dreams (Bernard The Head Elf x FTM!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now