Chapter 6

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The air was thin and smelled of toxic fumes. "Why does the air smell horrible now?" I asked. "Well-" "I know why because cars release greenhouse fumes and they go in the air that's also the reason why it's hot, the fumes go in to the atmosphere and put holes in it causing the sun's rays to enter earth." I interrupted Donnie, who, along with the rest of them, where staring at me with pure shock. "What?" I bit down on my lip. "Nothing except how are you dating Mikey, but so much smarter, I mean you just pulled a Donnie on yourself. I was gonna tell you to shut up." Leo giggled. I jumped to the nearest fire escape and claimed to the roof. "What's on the agenda to day?" I inhaled deeply. "Don't worry Raven you'll get us to the air soon." Raph teased me. I went to go hit him, but stopped as I saw him flinch and couldn't help but laugh. He is big tuff Raph being scared of me a 99 pound cat with no claws and almost no mussel. He lunged at me unexpectedly and pinned me to the ground. "Guys come on we have no time for this we have to see why the foot are coming around here." Leo turned and glared at us. I punched Raph in the arm and ran ahead of the guys I reached the ledge and stopped, but the guys keep going. I had to go back and jump. I would have not made it if Donnie didn't reach for my hand. "Thanks." I leaned on Mikey as we walked. "Leo how tall are you?" I questioned. I asked because I was taller than Mikey but still not as tall as Donnie. "Um, 5 feet 9 inches." He answered. "That means me as I'm tall as you and I'm the same age as all of you." I said Leo nodded and they told me to be quite. "Look over there." Raph whispered. Pointing with his finger to the left of all of us. "All right ass to kick." I and Raph smirked. "Oh great now there's two Mikey's, Donnie's, and Raph's. Wait guys we should find out why their here." Leo ordered I stopped and turned around. "Not something good, why are we talking when we need to be down there fighting them to shreds? Think Leo if we jump down there they won't ask what we're doing they would attack us." I couldn't believe how much I just sounded like Leonardo. "Good point lets g- go." Donnie stumbled on his words. Leo nodded and jumped off with the rest of us. We were having a good time until more of them came. I saw Raph being demolished by about ten of them and went to help. I take about three bots down when Leo said retreat. "No augment!" Donnie ran away with us. We got back to the layer around sunrise and man was it a bummer. I sat in the Conner of Donnie's lab watching him teach Kira the Periodic Table of Elements. But Kira wouldn't sit still. "Kira stop moving." Donnie had said these words about fifteen times now. "Donnie she's just a kid, she wants to play not learn the Periodic Table of Elements." I picked up Kira and took her to my room to play with some dolls I found. I made sure all Sharp objects were in the top part of the closet before had of course. She stared at me with thankful eyes. Kira had lost the ability to talk and Hunter was working with her. We got her to say Food, but after she said it she never said it again. "Hunter I don't have the peasant's any more, and every time I try Raven interferes. And on top of the-" I walked in the room and Donnie stopped talking. "Well excuse me, but when you teach a kid something like the periodic table, which is boring, they don't understand, I would think you would learn. Come on man teaching Kira that is like teaching Mikey Newton's laws of gravity!" I eminently got defended and walked away. "Hey Raven where you going." Raph asked as I walked to the exit. "Outside! I'm not wanted around here." I ran out before he could even try to stop me. It was quiet, the air still smelt horrible. I watched the sun get to the middle of the sky and the clouds move. I heard a noise behind me and smelt the air. "What do you want Donnie?" I almost shouted but I held it in. "I'm sorry for what I said and uh, I had a question about, never mind I'll ask to marrow." He said. "You're not forgiven, but ask away." I turned my head around. "Um okay, I would like to know more about the Divina tribe." Donnie sat next to me. "Well the Divina are a group of future seeing, warriors. And we protect France from evil. Ha ha and even though we act dumb we are actually really smart." I took a deep breath ready to tell more. "Where born with strong senses and with 9 lives." I had stopped to pull on my neck-less, it remedied me of my cousin, Miya. "That explains the French words on your neck-less." Donnie pointed out. "Any ways, when we become apprentice we get Blue Sclera's." "You're not an apprentice yet?" He asked tilting his head. "I lived in France but I ran away for my life I was supposed to be an apprentice to Miya, my cousin, but Miya saw something of me being killed and flow me here. I was soon adopted and had a new family who knew nothing about me." I stud up and walked away ashamed of what happened. Donnie sat there in silence. "Claque vie perdue tue lentement votre santé mentale." I said in French. "What?" Donnie asked. "Every life lost kills your sanity slowly." I translated. "Oh have you lost any lives yet?" he asked, I shook my head slowly.

It was now December 16th and I had to buy presents for the boys. I had to use Donnie to help carry all of it, and I had to use Mikey's watch to become human again. We were currently going to buy the first present, Leos. "What does he like?" I asked Donnie having only known them for about three months, I knew very little about them. "Well last year Hunter got him his favorite comic on DVD, but he starting to get into this new one. OH, what was the name of it?" he asked himself. "Wasn't it Dragon Ball GT?" I said scratching at my neck. Donnie's face lit up and I ran in the comic store leaving Donnie to stand in the same place. He had never been in this part of the mall and at that very few people know about it. "Okay next Mikey. I know and I can get your present there too." I grind happily. I went in to Radio shack to get Mikey an X-Box one with Assassins cred unity and Donnie something great. "What's that?" he asked pointing to the big box rapped in purple wrapping paper. "Your present that you don't get to hold or know about." I huffed. We ended with Raphs present, he recently broke his drum set so I got him a new one, that would be dropped off in front of the abandoned house on the 22nd street. We put the objects my closet seems who the guys were on patrol I helped Donnie teach Kira to talk. I would have to if Hunter wasn't already asleep. I mean I should have been asleep as well as Kira, because it was 10:00 at night, but I couldn't sleep. Kira on the other hand was falling asleep trying to say Donnie. "Um, Donnie, hate to tell you but I think we should stop for the night she's passing out sitting up." Donnie nodded and toke her to the bed Donnie mad for her. "Might I ask something?" I bit my finger nail. "Yeah what is it." Donnie sat across from me. "Will you come with me to get my stuff from my old house my foster parents are on vacation so I thought-" "Yes I help as long as you leave me to sleep." Donnie cut me off me. I walked out of the room and closed the door heading to my own room.

The morning was silent and the guys were following behind me to my old house. We entered my room from the window. "Voyant!" I saw my cat on my desk. He looked up with surprise. I and Voyant had been great buddies, before I turned. "Voyant?" Everyone questioned. I turned around with him in my hands. "It's French it means Seer, I liked it because I see the future and he sees when people have a good ore. Oh and he only responds to French." I said kissing the top of his head. "Okay, what do you want to take back?" Asked Raph. I walked over to my closet where a box of clothes lied. These where the close of the Divina and I had got the package over the summer. "Here catch these." I throw 2 suitcases over my shoulder. "I walked around my room putting things I would want or need, and Donnie and Leo were making bets on how much I would bring. "I say more than 30." Donnie bet. I thought that I heard Leo say 40 but wasn't sure. I had two carryon bags and a box. As I counted the Items I was Bringing they were both wrong I only brought 19, And most of these where gaming, sports, or music. I had: my skate board, 5 cds, a football, a perfume and deodorant buddle, contact lens case cleaner and lens them self's, 5 out fits my glasses, my laptop, and tablet. Defiantly not a lot. "Ready?" Leo asked grabbing a bag. I nodded and grabbed the other one. The run back to the layer was tricky; Raph and Mikey kept dropping the box so we had to stop. "Oh good you are home, my sons and Raven. I hope you are ready for another training session." Master Splinter said looking at the objects we brought back.

Raven (continued first chapters on JeanandSam01)Where stories live. Discover now