It cant be [2]

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"Ok Ink we are done. Time to go-"

as Dream opened the door thinking Ink was still waiting for him, he didn't see Ink anywhere. Also Error is missing. And the gang watching TV, still arguing on what to watch.

"Dream what happend..?" (Nightmare)

"Ink's not here. He must've went on without me. I think I'll take my leave now. Good bye brother. We'll find a way"

Without a leaving a trace behind Dream was gone. Nightmare still having his left eye covered in goop and his tentacles out he just sighed not knowing what to do. He needed to find one final source for the finale. But for now, he was starving. Not food starving. Negativity starving. He needed any source even if its Killer crying for chocolate. He needed it now.

Nightmare walked into the kitchen and hid all the chocolate there was. He sat down at the table as he put his head down. He waited if course. And there the cry baby comes in. Killer opened the shelf where all the chocolates supposed to be. Nothing. He opened the one next to it. Nothing. Killer then started to dig the whole kitchen..

Nothing.... in a panic he screeches at the top if his non existent lungs.


Oh the beautiful sound of Killers anger. Perfect lunch..

"Oh what is it dear Killer..?~"

"Nightmare-now don't you dare fucking play games with me ! I just lost all of me money!!!"

"Not my problem." Nightmare said with a sarcastic tone.

While Killer was yelling at Nightmare and Nightmare himself feeding from it, he started to feel a much stronger negative aura. He immediately teleports to that specific place and he couldn't believe what he saw.



Dream POV


Oh no that's Blue's AU. Ink wasn't here.
I'm the only one here. This might hurt Nightmare but I hope he would understand that it was for a friend. I have to go.

When I got there Nightmare was already there. I was about to yell at him for wasting his energy instead of resting, that's when I realized it wasn't him the alarm was alerting me.

It couldn't be.






   A few hours ago.....


No no no no no no no no NO!!!!!
It can't be him!!! His own timeline crashed and-and he is GONE!!!!

I look back up to Error who was in a shock. Not understanding a bit what was going on. Looking at Error worried what was going to me.

I was going insane....

Insane..... I went insane at Geno once. Be cause we wouldn't stop about how he wants himself dead!!! That worried face .. hahaha ...

Hahaha... HAHAHAHA

"Oh I won't fail you now Geno"

I quickly teleport to Underswap. By the looks it's Christmas. The joy, the laughs , the mistakes.

It's best to destroy the mistakes then keeping them.....


oh no....

Ink being all insane isn't all nice too look to tell the truth. It isn't pretty. There was Nightmare who was enjoying the negativity but also disliking it. Dream who was speechless. Blue trying to get everyone out of Snowdin. And Error who can't process what the hell is going on.

Ink have already destroyed half of the universe.

"Ink!!! why are you doing this.!!!" this was the only thing Dream could ask. What else could he ask?

"I won't fail him...." as Ink mumbled, continuing to destroy with his paintbrush.

Dream, Nightmare, Error attempted to attack Ink, but failed horribly. Many tries later they were all worn out. And Ink still without a single scratch.

"Is this what you want Geno!!! I destroyed all the mistakes for you!!! You like it?! NO YOU MUST LOVE IT RIGHT NOW!!!"

Error felt the  balance was ticking off. He had no other choice. He summoned his strings and tied everything that was remaining. He started to focus very deeply, taking deep breathes and he started to sweat bullets.

"So Geno buddy ya gonna help or what?"

Nightmare and Dream lost in there own minds. Was Error actually join Ink in this chaos was the only thing they could think.

Something started to glow and it was Errors strings. He shut is eyes and started to shake. The whole universe started to code. And in a blink of an eye everything was back to normal. Even Dream and Nightmare. There health was back up. Error then just suddenly fainted and fell to the ground with a thump. Dream being Dream ran to Error . And Nightmare being Nightmare just stood up and glared at Ink. In a panic Ink left without a word. Nightmare scoffing and turning back to Error.

"Error boi what the hell did you do!!!"

"Error please wake up! Nightmare please stay with Error. I'll find Blue to heal him!!!" and that Dream left running into the town.

"Error he's gone now"

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"But seriously what did you do?"

"| jUsT bO@TeD The UnIV£R$e"

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