Chapter 3

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A/N Sorry for the wait, but here it is. Also, Whiteridge is where the story takes place. So, yeah.

3rd P.O.V.

It's been a little over two months since Y/N left town, and no one has been as sad as Amy. She knew it was her fault, and that fact made her sick. Her family hadn't been happy with her, but they still loved her. Her friends however, had all abandoned her after finding out about how she treated Y/N. Not that she didn't expect that, but it still hurt.

The only person who had stayed by her side was Nathan. She still felt horrible about how she had treated Y/N and wished they could get back together, but she still appreciated, and loved, Nathan. On one hand, she loved Nathan and the time they spent together, and on the other hand, she still loved Y/N and was disgusted with herself for how she felt about Nathan, knowing that she broke Y/N's heart.

Amy had spent most of the past two months laying in bed. Nathan had tried his best to coax her into socializing, but she didn't budge. It was so bad she almost missed the deadline to apply for college classes. And now, here she was. Laying down on her bed, wearing Y/N's hoodie, staring at a picture of Y/N and her on the mountain range near Whiteridge. He had taken her, Nathan, and Jason up to a skii resort for a week last winter to celebrate their graduation early. Hearing a soft knock, she turned to see Nathan holding the doorknob. "Hey, Amy. How're you holding up?" She smiled softly. "I'm doing alright."

Nathan sighed softly, looking tired. "Don't say that. I know that isn't true. You're curled up in your bed, wearing his hoodie, staring at a picture of you two." He refrained from speaking his former friend's name, still feeling just as guilty for hurting Y/n, but still realizing that what Amy was doing wasn't doing anything but making her feel miserable.

"Well what can I do? I shattered his heart and now he's gone! I hate what I did to him. There's nothing I can do that will bring him back."

Nathan grit his teeth trying to calm himself down. "You know what? You're right. There's nothing you can do that will bring him back. But you need to stop moping like this! I hate seeing you waste away feeling sorry for yourself! Sure, you can't change what happened, but you need to move on with your life. I understand if you can't forgive yourself right now, but I don't want you to wallow in pity." Nathan walked up to her and hugged her tightly, trying to hold her together.

"Trust me. I feel almost as bad as you do. Y/N was my best friend. He approached me the first day of school and stuck by my side the whole way. He was the one who encouraged me to join the rowing team when I was too nervous. He was always with me and I was the one who drove a wedge between the two of you. My petty jealousy is what caused your break up. I feel awful for what I did, breaking his heart and what this break-up did to you. But we can't just stop moving forward because of what happened."

Amy clung to Nathan like a lifeline, like he was the only one keeping her together. Her tears stained his shirt as she gripped even tighter. She began to sob quietly, whispering an apology to Nathan.

After a while the two broke apart. Nathan gave her a small smile. "Come on, let's go do something."

Amy nodded, and ushered him out so she could get changed. Taking Nathan's advice, she decided to stop moping and move forward. One step at a time.

A/N Thank you to whoever's reading this for waiting. Quick question, for the characters chapter. Should I get rid of the anime picture, keep it, replace it with a normal picture, or do no pictures? Any responses are welcome. Peace.

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