Chapter 2

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Hermione was having an amazing night. Everything with Viktor has been perfect so far. She avoided her two best friends as much as possible for fear of arguments. She knew that Harry wouldn't have too much to say about her being Viktor's date to the Yule Ball, but Ron might stir something up, and she wasn't ready for any of that.

Viktor left her for a bit to go to the bathroom so she sauntered on to some of her classmates. They were standing together and waved over to her. She waved back and made her way to them. But as she walked by the punch table, a young man bumped into her. Her high-heeled shoes made her lose her balance. He turned just in time to see her about to fall to the floor. He grabbed hold of her hand at the last second and pulled her up.

"Are you okay, Hermione–" he started to ask, but at that moment another student bumped into the young man and hit his hand that held a glass of punch, which caused the drink to be spilled on to Hermione's chest.

Hermione gasped and took a step back. The young man took out a handkerchief and started patting the wet areas of her dress, probably unaware of where it was. Hermione took yet another step back and stared at the young man, wide-eyed. He looked at her and then down to her chest. Immediately his face turned scarlet and he took a step back from her. He held out his hand and offered her his handkerchief, which she took.

"I'm very sorry about that," he said with his head bowed down.

Hermione was not able to say anything at all at what happened. She accepted his apology with a nod even when he couldn't see it.

Her classmates had seen the exchange and ran over. They asked Hermione how she was doing so she turned away from the stranger. But when she turned around to face him again, he was nowhere to be seen. She looked around and saw him being dragged towards the entrance by another boy. She raised an eyebrow. Then she turned back to her friends.

They chatted animatedly. One by one they left to dance. After Lavender finally left Hermione alone to dance with an older student, Hermione walked over to the side to wait for Viktor. She looked down at her dress to see that it was almost dry. The drink had left a stain and her dress started to look a little purple. She tried to decide whether she should turn in for the night or ignore it. But she didn't get the chance to contemplate about it because she suddenly heard someone clear their throat just to her left.

Hermione looked up to see the same young man standing about a meter away from her. Instinctively, she took a step back. The young man saw her action, so held up his two hands as if in surrender and said, "I'm really sorry about a while ago. I didn't mean any of it."

Hermione nodded.

"I know. It's okay. I accept your apology. I'll give you your handkerchief back tomorrow after I wash it, is that okay? Are you from Durmstrang? Beauxbatons? No, wait. You don't sound French. I can only conclude that you're from Hogwarts but I haven't really seen you before." Hermione said.

The young man was staring at her and she felt her cheeks blush.

"You're quite observant."

"Sorry," she mumbled.

The young man waved his hand. "No, no, it's okay."

They were silent for a few moments.

"Will you honor me with a dance?" The young man suddenly asked. Hermione's eyes widened in surprise.


It was the first time Hermione couldn't answer a question. Her brain didn't seem to function at all. While she tried to process the words, the young man talked again.

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