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It was a great day for a perfect date, Mina and Chaeyoung head out to a Pet Cafe down north. 

MN : "Why did we come all the way here?"

CY : "You'll see why Let's go inside."

The two of them walk in the cafe and were greeted warmly by a bunch of dogs.

MN : "Omo! Omo!"

CY : "What did I tell you? :) You should trust your wife more."

MN : "Hahaha okay okay I'm sorry."

CY : "Watermelon shake?"

MN : "Yes please."

CY : "Put down the puppies, you can't eat like that."

MN : "Can I hold at least one of them?"

Mina pouted at her.

CY : "That's unfair, acting cute all of a sudden

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CY : "That's unfair, acting cute all of a sudden. Arraso, just one okay?"

MN : "Yey thank you, babe!"

They spent almost the whole morning in the cafe and continued with their date, Chaeyoung then bought Mina to an arcade shop where she totally lost her control the older lady, went crazy in playing games.

CY : "Minari let's go. We're going to be stuck in traffic if we don't go now."

MN : "Ehhh what's the hurry? We can eat dinner outside."

CY : "That's not it babe, I have something for you. Please? We'll go back here."

MN : "Arraso."

Chaeyoung brought Mina to Han River, she took a picnic basket out of the trunk.

Chaeyoung brought Mina to Han River, she took a picnic basket out of the trunk

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CY : "Minari let's go."

MN : "Why didn't you mention anything about this?"

CY : "Then it's not going to be a surprise anymore."

She took a picnic sheet and placed it on the green field facing the river.

CY : "Sit down, let's enjoy the view."

MN : "Arraso." 

CY : "I remember our first time here, that was our first date and this was our last stop. You were too nervous because it was the first time you went out without Momo or Sana unnie. I loved how you kept looking down until we stand in this exact spot, that was the first time I saw you smile. You had the brightest smile in this world, you're eyes were sparkling while you look at the Sun setting. You wear your handmade scarf with your long black hair the sunlight was radiating straight to you."

"I thought when you meet the one for you everything is in slow motion but contrast to that on the exact moment I saw you everything went fast I saw my future with you. That's when I realized, that I wanted to spend my whole life with this girl, with you."

MN : "You remembered all of that??"

CY : "Of course I did, how could I forget a special day. We'll every time I spent with you was special and I wouldn't forget any of it no matter what happens."

MN : "What if we grow older?"

CY : "I'm sure I'll still going to remember everything, don't worry if you get older I'll be the one to remind you hahaha."

MN : "Nomauhe."

CY : "Hahahaha just kidding babe. Honestly speaking I can't forget you even if my mind goes blank you can trust that my heart will remember you."

Chaeyoung held Mina's hand and place it on her heart.

CY : "It will absolutely, definitely and always recognize you. Here or even the next life I'm sure it'll remember you, Myoui Mina :)"

MN : "Aren't you too confident with that?"

CY : "I am and if ever I did forget something I need you to do one thing."

MN : "What?"

CY : "I need you to remind me of it."

MN : "Ehhh but you're always reminding me of everything."

CY : "Hahaha are you saying that if I forget everything there's no one in this marriage that will remember it?"

MN : "That's why you're not allowed to forget things."

CY : "Arraso... Babe, can you wait for me here? I'm going to get my power bank."

MN : "Okay, hurry up the sun is almost setting."

CY : "I'll be back soon."

Mina knew that she married the right person, Chaeyoung never fails to amaze her in any way she can. It was as if Chayeoung is the one who always gives 200% for Mina. 

CY : "Here babe."

MN : "What's this?"

CY : "Just open it."

Mina opened the box and saw a bunch of yarn inside.

CY : "I'm not sure how many days will it take for us to come back, it's probably going to take a while so I bought you a bunch of it. Go out with Nayeon unnie and the rest of them okay? Don't lock yourself, if you want you can share them that."

MN : "Isn't this too much? How long will you be gone? This can last for 2 years

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MN : "Isn't this too much? How long will you be gone? This can last for 2 years."

CY : "I'll be back soon. If there's too many left then let's make a big scarf that would fit the two of us and even Ray chan :)"

MN : "Arraso promise me you'll come back to me okay?"

CY : "I promise, don't worry about me too much. I'll be back before you know it."

Mina just nodded back, they stayed and watched for the sun to set. It was a magical afternoon for the two of them. Which none of them will ever forget. It couldn't be more perfect, the only thing left for them to do is to prepare for Chaeyoung's deployment.


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