Chapter 1: A normal school day?

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Every cadet of the 104th squad was inside the gym, it was break and some students tried to spare some time by playing basketball. Eren, Mikasa, Levi and Marco played in the red team while Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie and Ymir were playing as team blue. It was a draw so whoever dunks the next ball will get the winning point for their team.

Jean sat on the side and was fully concentrate on his drawing which.. apparently doesn't went as well as he wanted it to be. He drew often lately since he got access to a whole bunch of paper every month and per say.. he needed them.

"No no no... fuck why can't i get it right.." Jean ripped his drawing apart and threw it to the side before he grabbed another piece to try again.

"H-Hey that wasn't bad- you should stop seeing things so negative.. everyone has a bad day sometimes." Marco's calm voice forced Jean to lower his own.

Jean sighed and ruffled his hair. "But it wasn't how i wanted it to be.. Maybe the gym isn't the right place to draw but.. i can't be alone right now.. i need people around me to stay sane."

Marco rested his hand on his friends shoulder before rubbing gently over it. "Is it your heat? It will be soon.. right?"

Jean nodded and looked over to the players. Levi was able to get the final point which means that team red won. The ashy brunette smiled.

"Yeah but i will be alright, i have some time left but it still makes me nervous." the omega replied.

"Ah we might have lost now Levi but next time we will destroy you all and i promise you won't even get one single point." Reiner said and sat his mate Bertholdt down next to Jean.

Jean rolled his eyes and looked up at the tall blond man. "Reiner.. please im trying to draw.. can't you two just fuck off please-?"

The alpha grinned as response and grinded his hips once against Bertl before kissing and biting his mates lip. "Jealous? My cock is huge enough to pleasure two needy omegas tho~" Reiner joked.

The ashy brunette stood up to say something but he got interrupted by none other than Levi.

The black-haired man stood infront of Jean and placed his hand on the others chest. "Jean don't... Reiner if you're so desperate and unable to control your own rut.. i recommend  you to search for a room where you two can spend time without disturbing anyone." he growled lowly at Reiner, showing him that it's not the right time for provoking.

"Fine fine.. come Bertl." Reiner picked up his mate and carried him to a quiet place.

"Hey Marco! Jean! Do you two want to join us? We're going to eat something. Im hungry like a freaking titan." Eren shouted from far away.

"Sure, why not. what about you Marco and.. Levi?" Jean glanced over to Marco then at Levi.

Marco nodded and joined the others while Levi looked down at the ground. "I will join you in a bit.. just need to get something first."

"Alright then." Jean said and went to the dinner hall with the others after he picked up his drawing stuff.

The Captain noticed something on the ground and bend down to pick it up. It was the drawing Jean threw away earlier.

"Why did you rip it apart? Its amazing.. amazing like you, Jean." the black-haired alpha spoke to himself and he was glad no one else was inside the gym anymore and able to hear him speaking.

Meanwhile, the others were sitting together inside the dining hall, eating up their food and talking about all kinds of stuff. For example how their day was or what they plan to do at the weekend.

"What about you Jean? Do you have any plans what you'll do this weekend?" Armin asked and turned towards him.

Jean rubbed his nape and glanced down at his food, not really eating at all. "Hm.. I'll probably stay inside my room and draw." He sighed and pushed his plate to the middle on the table.

"Oh.. i mean... i thought of throwing a party but..." Armin continued but was shortly after interrupted by Jean.

"W-Wait party? Where did you plan to throw it? I-i would be up for a party tho, sounds interesting to me." The ashy brunette said, being a little ashamed that he didn't let Armin finish his sentence first.

Before the short blond cadet was able to continue speaking, he felt two hands grabbing his shoulders from behind. He shivered extremely as he noticed it was actually Levi who came up from behind him, apparently hearing everything they've said.

"Hah? Party? You need a person to lead it.. but fortunately im here to help you all out. I can organize a room or maybe.. organize a whole place for all of you." The alpha let go of Armin's shoulders which made him relax.

"Y-You'd do that Levi? I-I mean h-heicho." Armin gulped as he looked up at the other.

"As long as i am invited, sure~" Levi smiled slightly and handed Jean the piece of paper he left in the gym. "You've forgot something inside the gym. Im not a fan of trash laying on the ground... but what i hate most is when people throw away amazing stuff. You're talented, Kirschtein."

Jean's eyes widened as he saw that Levi found his art piece but he was mostly impressed that the captain actually liked it. "I... i wouldnt call it amazing.. only people who has no clue of professional drawings would call it amazing. I need to improve a lot to be a 'good' artist.."

As Jean lifted his head he noticed that Levi was gone by now. The captain left to get himself a meal but he might still have heard what Jean had said. The ashy brunette bit his lip and instantly regret his words. He didn't mean to be so rough with someone who actually appreciated his art, especially not if its the same man he adored from the start.

<No clue, hah? You should stop being so rough with yourself kid> Levi thought.

Jean x Levi x Marco Where stories live. Discover now