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*pinned to a ice cold wall with ragged ropes (clothes still in tact thank god)...and the sound of frequent drops of water hitting pavement, it's dark and moisture is in the air*.....*I slowly open my eyes and the hazyness is slowly fading and my sight is adjusting to the darkness....then there's a click like a string chain on a lamp was pulled and there was a bright light and I immediately squinted my eyes to adjust to the now bright light that's being shined on me and groaned* ?:heh so your finally awakening....took ya long enough but I'm glad your not dead or that would have been a waste of that look at that sexy body.(grinned and slowly sized me up taking a good minute to process what he's looking at) me:...umm.... hum...wha.....we're am I. Another man:dude quit sizen up are new sis..... besides we gotta let her met the other bro's and tell'em sis is finally up from her nap(man walks off...5mins later realizes that the one boy didn't follow and came back) Eric come on get your ass up and stop checkin out sis and let's go.Eric:(face now a bright red) was not ya says the guy who was just looking her up and down for a good 10 minutes and called her sexy.Eric:*through a small curved dagger at zero's shot up and deflected the dagger before it hit him and grabbed Eric and then walked off leaving me all alone and the light still faced on me*.me: ERRRRRAHERRRRR....why the heck is this rope so thick and tight....wait a minute.*took a deep breath,shut her eyes closed and imagined the ropes a flame and in her hands was fire that burned through the rope and didn't harm her* (man I love having powers).*as the ropes withered away from the flames.... she was free and fell to the ground then got back up and caught some balance to her feet and ran to a clearing were the two men went through and hid until she made it out.*the light ended up leading to a open clearing were to her dismay that opening was right above a training ground arena and there were fighters every were and she almost lost her balance running so fast that she almost ran off the cliff which is where they were below it on the flat land on a beach and when she fell back and regained her balance it was to late she was spoted the rubble of gravel that was kicked and the sound of her scruffing her shoes on the cliffs rocky edge that rolled and tumbled down caused their curiosity to kick in and look up and she was a second to late in reaction time to fall out of there line of sight then it went dead silent and the fighting was put on a dead pause then she turned around really fast to run away but it wasn't her lucky day she ended up running right into a man and fell smacking the ground with her butt and a big thud then looked straight up to see what she smacked right into that felt like a mac truck* me:awww that hurt.?:next time you should look around your surroundings before automatically reacting in fear with out a second thought(held out his hand to me to help me up off the ground).me:*took his hand*ya maybe your right.....We're am i. ?:your at the combat for ninjas hide NINJA HIDE OUT SWWWEEEEETTTTT!!!!!....oh my name's yui by the way. ?:huh never expected anyone to be this excited to that usually people are quaking in fear......and the name's uhh....sweet name dude(he blushed) So what da....ya guys wanna do*hand held in the other behind my back and I'm just rocking back and forth*.kisame:*evil grin on his face...idk why but I have a strange feeling about this* how bout we do a little do I feel like there's more to this than what your saying....what's the catch.*still has that grin on his face*kasamie: hah I new you were a clever one by the first glance.....your right there is a catch if you win you can leave what come on don't leave me hangin here. kisame:.....if you lose then you half to stay with us and be are sis here I thought it was gonna be something bad. kisame:*confused look on his face*WAIT WHAT YOU DON'T MIND YOU KNOW YOU WOULD BE PART OF A FAMILY OF MURDERS,ASSIANS,AND EVEN WORSER PEOPLE RIGHT*.ME:....and the problem is.....kisame:*still confused but mostly suprised* are you serious....this doesn't faze you one don't care who you are or what you did or even what charges are being held against you once a family always a family no matter what.(big grin on my face the whole time).kisame:*walked over and gave me a death grip hug* see I new I liked you from the now let the challenge begin.(8-10hours later of non-stop battling).me:*pant,pant,pant**ended up lossing all feeling to my legs and arms and crashed on the white bleached colored sand.kisame:you tired all ready you got two left to beat which is me and Sasori.ME: you gotta be kidding me *steadily tried desperately to stand up and fight and for one thing going my way I was able to hold on to the last little bit of strength I had and 40mins later I fought and beat sasori in a long and hard battle then my body gave way and I couldn't move another inch worth nothin.kisame:surprisingly  you were able to hold your own against many strong opponents until you couldn't move anyone....impressive but you still didn't defeat all of shut up jackass and come hold me already so I can sleep while knowing I'm safe.kisame:.....yah yah *big grin as he's still gloating then comes and scoops me up into his arms and walks over to a bench that's under a massive tree surrounded by a beautiful garden and as soon as he sat I used the last bit of strength that I still had left that was keeping me up to rap my arms around him and positioned my self in a good enough position so that I could sleep and I crash just like that with my head on his chest and his arms holding me so I wouldn't fall*......goodnight sis.

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