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No more ice 

No more ice 

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The next day, the beavers were quick to wake the three Pevensies and Lenna so that they would be able to get to Aslan's camp quickly. It was still the very early hours of the morning as the four children followed the beavers through the thick snow. They often slipped in their smart shoes and they shivered in the cold air. The winter coats they had borrowed from the wardrobe were their only source of warmth and wrapped them tightly around themselves in an attempt to keep some of the warmth inside.
They had been walking for sometime when Lenna realised they were walking along a stone bridge that had clearly been eroded over time. Lenna felt her legs tremble as she looked down slightly. She had not been one for heights and not realised how high they were until she saw the landscape before her.

"Are you alright Lenna?" Lucy asked the girl. She had noticed that Lenna was looking nervous as she stepped cautiously after the others.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just don't like heights very much," Lenna confessed. She expected Lucy to laugh, just like everyone else she had told about her fear. But instead Lucy took her hand and walked slowly with her. Lenna smiled down at Lucy who smiled back and helped her over to where the others had gathered in the middle of the stone bridge.

"Now, Aslan's camp is near the stone table, just across the frozen river," Beaver said as he pointed out across the snowy scene before him. Lenna stared out at the mountains, trees and land and for a moment she forgot about being scared of the height and just stood there in complete awe of how snow could make something so beautiful.

"River?" Peter asked dragging Lenna out of the trance.

"Oh the river's been frozen solid for a hundred years," Mrs Beaver waved Peter's worry away.

Lenna looked at Peter who was
looking at her worried. She gave him a reassuring smile which seemed to ease his worry slightly. Lenna turned to Mr and Mrs Beaver.

"It's so far," she said.

"It's the world dear. Did you expect it to be small?" Mrs Beaver asked Lenna

"Smaller," Susan answered before Lenna could.


They had been walking for what felt like days to Lenna but had only been a couple of hours. She and the Pevensies were tired and their feet ached. Her legs burned from walking so far. They were walking across a huge open space which to Lenna seemed silly. If they were trying to escape the White Witch then why were they walking on the snowy landscape in the complete open? It didn't make sense to her. The Beavers were far ahead when Mr Beaver looked around and saw the children dawdling behind.

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