Chapter 1- Lilian & Olive

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Olive sucks in a shocked breath and lurches upright in her bed, her hand instinctively going to her side, a purple-ish bruise getting more noticeable with each passing second.

What the heck... Olive whispers, massaging the bruise and settling back down onto the bed, turning her head a little to the right so she could get a glimpse at what time it was. Her clock blinked on and off in the corner, showing it was 2:00 am in the morning. Olive groans and drags a pillow over her face, mumbling a few curses about trying to actually get sleep before school and starts to pick herself up out of bed. Walking over to her dresser she grabs the first outfit she sees and reaches down to also grab some socks before reaching to close the drawer, her ring getting caught on the wood as she slams the drawer and her finger in it.


OH HOLY MOTHER OF LIVING HECK! Lilian screams, clutching her finger in the dark as she tastes blood from biting her lip.

What was that? Lilian demands to no one in particular, pulling her hand away from her finger to show a swelling wound, its purplish color unappealing next to her pale-like skin. As she examines the wound a crash and the sound of a rolling bottle is heard just outside her door, causing Lilian to launch herself back under the covers and as far away from the door as possible. Her breaths come out panicked as she listens to the heavy steps of someone walking up to her door, the person freezes and peaking over, Lilian could just make out the shape of a large man from under the door. Dad... Was all Lilian could think and she turned back around in the bed, the rolling of her door handle filling the silence only a few moments later. Not today, please not today. Lilian pleaded with the voices in her head, her whole-body stiffening from head to toe as the door creaks open, a shadow outlining the light from the kitchen. The thud of his boots dragging across the floor while her room fills with the smell of sweat and alcohol, causing Lilian to hold her breath to keep from gagging. A hand slowly comes at her covers and Lilian goes limp to try and fake sleeping. The hand stops, hesitates, and inches back from which it came from, her drunk dad walking back to the doorway and quietly shutting it behind him. Lilian lets out a half sigh half sob and gets up, walking across her empty room to a locked closet, quickly doing the lock code. When shes done Lilian swings open the doors and sorts through her many clothing, finally picking a black turtleneck to pair with a flannel skirt. Adding her thigh-high socks and black, worn-out flats, Lilian walks towards her window and slides it open, the city just waking up around her. She quickly grabs her backpack thats hidden under a trashy-looking blanket and pulls out her phone, its blank No Notifications screen not a surprise at all.

Did I expect anything different? Lilian mumbles and turns to close and lock her window, her room looking as empty as it always did and her phone as empty as it always is. Lilian quickly goes to start her climb down the fire escape, her shoe slipping on a rail as she descends, her head whipping back and into the metal railing behind her.


Oh damn it! Olive groans, clutching her head while setting her forehead on the table next to her cereal, rubbing a growing bump just bellow the back of her head.

What the hell is happening? She mutters, moving off her stool to dump her cereal into the sink, its rainbow covering the pristine metal. Olive walks over to her backpack, her combat boots making a shuffling sound as she walks. She grabs her backpack and slings it over her shoulder before walking as quietly as she could to her dads office, her phone sitting just inside the door on his desk, its screen blinking with a million emails from her friends and notifications for this weekend. If only I could get in there. Olive thinks, testing the handle of the door. Locked.

Shoot. She mutters, pulling a bobby pin out of her hair, a stray bang falling into her face because of it. Focusing on the lock she crouches down and begins to work, moving it around till an audible click sounded from the lock. Finally. Olive smiles and stepping into the office she tip-toes over to the desk and snatches her phone off it, scrolling through message after message like a phone addict. Then suddenly theres a small growl in the corner of the room, causing Olive to look up and towards their family pet, its tag that reads Rover shining from the light in the hallway. Holding out her hands she slowly steps toward the dog, making a familiar cooing sound while glancing between Rover and the door. Please dont barkOlive silently urges the dog, taking one more careful step towards Rover, causing him to be at arms length. Rover was an old dog and relied on sound more than sight and was technically Olives dog but ever since she started sneaking out in the morning to miss interacting with her family Rovers been hesitant of her.

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