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Alyssia's P.O.V.

Lifes a bitch. I mean, it really is not my thing. Today was just one of those days, in which everything seems to go so slowly and all so wrong. I mean, I couuld see that these things were going to happen, but it seemed like fate was against me.

I was walking down to the canteen, when I saw Cameron, Connar, Alex and Ollie, standing in the corner, talking to Chloe, and her group of friends. Now, Chloe wasn't very pretty, in fact, she was quite, well, ugly. And, she was also quite over weight, which didn't help matters. She had one of those noses, close eyes and a chubby face, which, when combined, made her look like a bit like a pig. But for some reason, Cameron and her were friends.

Cameron wasn't that popular either, but he was in one of those groups. He had a way of always making you feel like crap. Like, pointing out if you had a spot, or if your hair was untidy, or if you luaghed too loudly at something, he had one of those kind of reactions, and said things like "Alright, calm down!". I didn't consider it bullying, but he just made me depressed. Sometimes he would say things to his friends about me, or someone else in our tutor, and I would try not to let it show on my face that I had heard him.

Back to my story. I was walking down to the canteen, and I saw them, standing in the corner. I realised that I would have to go past them, in order to get through to door, to go outside. Crap, I thought to myself, I can't go near them. I must have looked really awkward, rushing out of the canteen, and the stopping suddenly, obviously having an internal debate with myself.

I sighed, and thought Hey! what could be the worst they can do huh? Today is the day, I show them that I'm above them. I took a breath, and clutched my art folder to my chest, and put my head down. I walked quickly, towards them, and tried to hide in a group that was walking out. I noticed my friend, Cavelle, walking a few paces behind me, so I slowed down. BIG mistake.

I heard Cameron say "Hey, look at who's coming towards us!" I knew then that I had been spotted. Great. Just what I needed in my day. I felt a little braver since I had Cavelle next to me, but not much. I was tired. I was worried. I was bored of it all. Not many people would take notice of it, and no one knew how much it bothered me. And, as far as I was concerned, as long as I lived, no one ever would.

Cameron called out to me "What's going on with your face today then, Ali?" I don't know why, maybe because of sheer embarrassment, but he had played too close to the fire, too many times, and now he was going to get burned, and the fact that he had shortened my name. Only my FRIENDS were allowed to call me that. I hated m name...Alyssia Kailee Londen...Yes, that is how my surname is spelt..Londen, not London.

I looked at him and smiled. "Nothing. What's going on with your brain?" I replied with as much venom as I could muster. He flushed red, and hissed "You think you're so funny don't you? Well, you're not. You're just an ugly, fat, stupid, emo that can't look after herself. I don't know why they even let you into this school. Low lifes like you don't deserve to live, let alone be entitled to an education! You ruin my life by living!"

Now that really hit a nerve. Ugly? Fat? Stupid? All heard of before. But Emo? Now I was worried. How did he know? I hadn't told many people, in fact I had to only 2 of my friends. How did he know? I felt the tears building up in my eyes, and I studdied his face carefully.

"What ever, Cameron. I don't have all day to stand hear talking to you. I mean, people only say things like that when they are insecure about themselves." I saw, his friends look at each other. I carried on, blinking back the tears. "But don't worry, we will get you the help you need. I'm sure your mother will be relieved." I turned away, but not quick enough.

"Yeah, well at least my mother loves me. Unlike yours. I mean, how could anyone love you?" His words still sting the bottom of my heart to this day. How could he say that to me? In fact, how did he know? I hadn't told very many people about my mum and my relationship with her. There was only 2 people in the school that had known that she had said that...No they wouldn't have.

Would they?? I mean, they're my friends...they wouldn't tell...friends don't spread secrets. Or do they? Ugh, my life is a mess. I really need to sort it out...but would they tell?? No...surely not...

Turning Pages ~ A Niall Horan Love Story ©Where stories live. Discover now