Chapter 1

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Click Clack Click Clack.

The sound of my heels rings through the empty hallways. I near closer to the door at the end of the hallway. I feel butterflies in my stomach in each step I take.

Don't panic, It's just like every other concert I've done! Just with some judges watching if I get to go to the next round.

My stomach churns and my body hesitates to walk any farther. "Thomas hurry your ass up" I jumped and turned around and see Tamara.

Tamara is my manager, she's helped me from the start of my singing career. Tamara is a strong confident woman that helped me through a lot. Tamara looked a lot like me, a lot of people mistake us as siblings. Tammie was tall and lean, she had a birthmark on her forehead and most of the time wore hoodies, except at work.

I smile and continued walking, "Alright, Alright, I'm going" I laugh and speed over to the door with Tamara right behind. I open the door and am immediately showered by a makeup specialist.

After a while, I was ready to go on stage. I walked out to the stage and was showered in love by my fans. I smirk and start to sing. The crowd started to sing along with me. My body pumped with adrenaline as every tune came out of my mouth.

(This is the song Tom is singing)

The song ended and the fans cheered me on, I smiled and walked off stage for the next contestant.

I felt my body rush with excitement as I walked behind the stage with my crew. I twirled around in my dress and started to dance cheerfully until I was interrupted by Tamara grabbing my shoulder. I sighed and faced her, "What's up?" Tamara dropped a serious look and passed me a beer.

I looked at her confused.

I hesitantly took the beer and popped it open and took a swig of it. I grinned as the bitter taste spread in my mouth slowly. I looked at Tamara and she was smiling, "and they said orphans don't have futures" she muttered out. I smiled and sat down to drink the rest of my beer.

A couple of minutes later all the contestants were called to the stage. I put the bottle down and walked out on stage. The judges stood to the left of the stage, "We have had enough time to discuss the 7 winners" I sighed and stood still.

"Okay the contestants passing are"

Please be me

"Edwardo XXXXX"

Please be me


Please be me


Please be me

"Patryck XXXXX"

Please be me

"Harry XXXXXX"

Please be me

"Andrew XXXX"

It's not gonna be me.....

"Last but not least, Thomas Rosewell and that will be the seven winners of the next round"

I froze momentarily and looked at the judges, they were all smiling. I walked toward them and shook their hands and got a letter. I looked at it curiously as I walked with the rest of the winning contestants. The crowd roared in cheer. I smiled then looked back at the letter. It was a deep red with gold lace wrapped around it, it was so beautiful.

The judges walked off stage and we were all excused off stage and meet with the judges at the back. They explained that the letters all had airplane tickets and hotel reservations because we were heading to London for the next stage. I grinned and walked out of the room with Tamara waiting just outside. Tamara patted my shoulder and went looking for the car.

On the way to the car, Tamara was talking about Tori, again. I just stood and listened until Tammie shined the spotlight on me. "So Tom, do you have anyone special" I jolted in surprise, and looked at her and shook my head. Tammie rolled her 'eyes', "Come on, I'm sure there is at least one person" I nervously chuckled and shook my head again, "Sorry Tammie" she looked at me confused.

Tammie stopped in her tracks and grinned, "Let's try to hook you up with a London chick" she said and 'quickly realized her mistake, "I mean London boy" I giggled and rolled my 'eyes' and continued looking for the car.

We finally found the car and drove to the hotel. As soon as we got there we burst into the room and started packing up. I made sure all my stuff was counted and so did Tammie, "Tom, what about your little Tommie bwear" she said jokingly. I giggled and found him under the bed, I put him in the suitcase and laid down on the bed.

{Time Skip}

I woke up to the blaring sound of Tamara's dumb alarm. I groaned and flopped back down, "I don't wanna wake up," I said as I got up to wake up Tamara. Tamara looks at me confused and realizes the sound of the alarm blaring. She quickly turns it off and we put our bags into the trunk of the car and drive to the airport.

We meet up with the other contestants and chatted for a while and to be honest I wasn't a fan of most of them, but there were a few good people like Paul and Patryck. I chatted with them for a while until it was time to board the plane. I met up with Tamara and got to the plane and sat in our seats. Tamara immediately started to talk about Tori and how I was gonna be able to meet Tori since she was visiting her brother. Tamara suddenly shut up, "We should hook you up with her brother" I looked at her and shook my head, "No! I don't wanna date your future brother-in-law" I whisper. Tammie grins and starts texting Tori.

I sighed and looked out the window, above the city. It was a pretty sight indeed but it was also a dangerous one, everything with a pretty picture is dangerous. I smiled and grabbed my headphones and started to listen to some music for the time being instead of listening to Tamara's constant talking.

Concert In London (Tordtom)Where stories live. Discover now