Goodbye forever

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Kai's P.O.V.

I just stood their waiting for the impact of the attack of my enemy which is my girlfriend ,Aichi, while she just stood there waiting for her newfound avatar and it's mate to finish Dragonic Overlord once and for all then I just needed to bet for a heal trigger for my damage check then I finally said "damage check" the card revealed a copy of Dragonic Overlord the great instead so that means I lost and I heard Aichi said "Toshiki-kun I'm sorry I just can't let you take this burden of mine because you were the person that gave me everything I lacked courage,strength and lastly friends that you insist for me to go back...But I can't so can you just fulfill your promise to me?" I knew that we compromised a promise to each other before the fight started that if she won me,Ren,Leon,and Naoki have to be her new Quatre knights and I was the one who won she will be with,Ren,Leon,and Naoki to guard over my sleeping form then I saw her scream in pain and saw that she was being engulfed with a red aura,similar to the reverse aura, then after a few seconds she was released by the aura and my reflexes catched her petite form. I just hugged her so tight since this could be the first and last time I could touch her.

Normal P.O.V.

After a few hours Aichi woke up in Gailard's bedroom and everyone was there except for Kai,Leon,Ren and Naoki and Aichi said "Gailard,Ratie,Neve and Kourin thank you for guarding my sleeping form you may take your leave." Gailard just answered "We may not be your Quatre knights but we will protect your identity in earth Aichi-san and um Aichi-san Kai Toshiki,Leon Soryu,Ren Suzugamori and Naoki Ishida have already had the change of clothes, they are waiting for you in the throne room." Aichi got up from the bed and said "ah okay I'll take my leave then" in with that she left Gailard and the other Quatre knights and also Kourin in his room.

Throne room normal P.O.V.

Aichi got to the throne room after a while and she was greeted by Ren,Leon and Naoki in their new set of clothes Ren was wearing a black version of Gailard's uniform, Leon was wearing a blue captain outfit and Naoki was wearing a red version of Sera's outfit and Ren hollered "Aichi-chan, Kai wants to talk to you privately in the room there!" Aichi answered "ah okay can you do me a favor and don't touch anything."

Aichi went to the room that Ren was talking about and she saw Kai sitting on the floor looking at the clear water and the earth's reflection and Aichi just hugged him from behind and said "Don't be too upset that were not gonna see each other again I'm doing this to keep you safe from the seed." Kai just held her hand and answered "I can't let you take this burden all over again all I wanted is that to lift that burden out of you that's all ,but you didn't let me do it.......So tell me 'faces Aichi' why?" Aichi was shocked because of the outburst of her boyfriend, Aichi felt that she was gonna burst into tears and just said "It's because I-I love you that's all I can't help but burst to tears when I was being sealed away because I couldn't tell you how I actually felt inside since (A/n:minna Aichi was crying the whole time she answered Kai's question.) you were the one

that gave me the love I never experience since my father.................died I became an anti-social type ever since..............Then you came to help brek free from this isolated life." Kai was shocked by the answer and what he did was not expected by Aichi he hugged her tight and said "I should be the one that is gonna thank you...........Ever since the start I had already loved you so I'll do it for your sake." Aichi thought 'That's why I love you, you never turn your back on me' and all she did was hug Kai back and kissed him on the lips.


The new knights and the old knights surrounded the throne room and Aichi said "Minna thank you for all your cooperation in this problem and I'm also sorry that I tagged you along in this." Naoki then shouted "It's alright Aichi as long as we are protecting you it's alright!" Aichi giggled and said "Gailard-kun,Neve-san,Ratie-chan and Kourin-san you may now take your leave." Gailard then said "No Aichi-san we may not be your new quatre knights ,but we will always be there to protect your identity on earth." She replied "Well then I thank you for that then you are still my quatre knights.",She continued, "My new quatre knights you may now place your avatar cards in the pillars." Ren put his avatar first and it changed to a black ball and he said "My prison,dark masquerade ball" Leon put his next and it changed into a small perfume like bottle and said "Infinite tide prison I like that one." Naoki put his next and it changed into rings similar to Gailard's rings except it is red in color and said "This is a perfect prison for me! Pure hell prison." Lastly it was Kai and Aichi stopped him and gave him gloves and said "This will be yours, Eternal flame prison it may be the same like Naoki's but when a fighter loses to you in this prison they will lose their memories of me and everything else about you." Aichi then hugged him and kissed him then after awhile they broke apart and Aichi went back to her rightful place,the throne room but before she turned her back and said"I love you Toshiki-kun always and forever." Kai just smiled and replied "I love you so much I will never forget you in my entire and when this problem is solved someday........someday we'll be eternally together forever." She then finally turned her back and her final thought was 'Goodbye Toshiki-kun......Forever'

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