Chapter 4

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It's finally arrived! Today is Deadlocked (20 December), the day we stop THE WAVE CRASH. The bad news is that it won't stop Boris Johnson being prime minister of the UK. As he is prime example day minister, he would get Drunk Driver Dursley and Virus Elf to try and get it back. He is free to do that until the day he stops being prime minister. The other bad news is that today is the second-to-last day of Geometry Dash season. That's why we need warriors born in every month.

I can't wait to meet my new friendship group again! I feel sorry for Windbreeze because he doesn't have anyone in our gang, and he has Lushalive. But I hope that Tinycreep and Auraglow can be in the friendship group with us sometime. We also hoped that Liquidfire would be friendly to us.

I sent a message to the Old Warrior Cat to find out the houses of the other warriors, but I only asked for six in each house - the warriors and the four newcomers - Starbright asked for new warriors. I got a reply, which also said that Sassy Mole was with Auraglow's younger twin sisters, Sunlight and Sunglow. The houses of the warriors are:





Hexagon Force
























I found out the birthdays of the new warriors - I had memorized them all by heart. Liquidfire, Stingvenom, Shinepastel and Blockdark were the new warriors. In fact, I have memorized all of the warriors by heart. There were warriors born in each month. The oldest warrior is Hexagon Force, even though she was born in December. That was because she was an element third-year. Sassy Mole was a prep-element second-year.

The warriors born in December are getting too annoying! There are too many of them, and both Liquidfire and Stingvenom were born in it. Every December Warrior is a Sagittarius, except for me. Christmas Day people are Capricorns. I am very upset - tomorrow is the last Geometry Dash official level.

We got into 27 July, and we had some bad stuff happen to us. At about the time when the wave crash would've happened, we went back to December. The bad news is that today, Fingerdash, is the last level of Geometry Dash. It seems like Stereo Madness was only yesterday.

I used to be upset on that day, because everyone at my school who was born in the same year as me were all the same age, but my age was one less than theirs. In secondary school I had separate classes, and there were two children born in the same year as me, but they were both boys and I had no classes with either of them. So it made me both the youngest girl and the youngest in all of my classes if you didn't count people born in a different year to you. It's the same with the warriors, but I'm fine with that.

It's 19:53 now, and soon the Geometry Dash official levels will be over. I am very tired and my nose is blocked. I don't know if I will get better, but I hope I do. I have eleven warrior games yet to make.

11:22 the next day and the Geometry Dash official levels are over. Today is Menu Loop. There is still Meltdown and Subzero yet to come, but they aren't as exciting, and there is World in March. Round 1 - 30 March - is Flowerplant's birthday. I hope that everything goes fine.

Sassy Mole was playing his favourite game - Squeeblecart. He said that if I didn't get on the top 10 scores, I would be a loser. So that's what I tried to do. I found a sneaky way in how to beat him, but it took time. But the exciting bit happened two days later, on Christmas Eve, the day before my birthday.

My adoptive mother handed me a parcel. She said that it was full of the cards from school that I would've gotten if I wasn't on holiday. And it was. I opened each of them. There were one or two cards from muggles that could be classed as friends, one or two muggle acquaintance cards, and a few from muggles that were acquaintances but were a bit suspicious. They were all in my form, the Harder form.

Everyone in your form was in your house, but no other person in your grade was in the same house as you. The houses had different names by muggles and by Mixolydians. The Mixolydians named them after the Geometry Dash difficulty that corresponded to the color of the form. The houses and forms had the same name, and the only difference was that your year number was put in front of your form name. My form color was orange, meaning that my form was named after the orange-colored difficulty, which was Harder.

One of the cards was red and it had six brown reindeers on it. It said "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" on it. Inside, it said messages from four people. The first message I set my eyes on was written in purple. It was from Sarah Duck. The next message was from Mrs Kingsley. The third one from a person named Mr Cockroach, who was not as bad as the other three people - and the fourth one, even though I couldn't read it at first - was from Mrs Thompson.

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