Chapter 1

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(This story starts just before Hiccup met Toothless, to give you an idea)
On an island, in a cave there were all different Night Furies doing different things. Some were sitting around, some were napping, some were getting ready to take off. In a secluded corner of the cave, there were 2 particular Night Furies. One was all black with green eyes. The other was all red with white/silver colored ears and wings and red eyes. He might look evil from a glance but he is actually really nice. His name is Red Run. The other Night Fury, well, he hadn't thought of a name for himself yet. The two Night Furies were good friends. In fact a lot of the other Night Furies were a bit jealous of the friendship between a common Night Fury like Red Run and a very uncommon Night Fury like- well, no one knew his name yet. Red Run just called him 'N', obviously short for Night Fury.
Indeed, life on this island was peaceful. You're probably wondering "where are all the Light Furies?" Well they are somewhere else. You see the Night Furies and the Light Furies don't live on the same island together. Most of the Light furies live in the hidden world, but some live all over (or at least the places all the humans haven't discovered yet). Yes, life on the isle of Night was peaceful and perfect. Until the supposed queen of dragons started her huge nest. Word spread to the isle of Night and the Night Furies were not happy. They did not want to be controlled or taken over by some dragon who thinks they are the boss of others.
The older Night Furies were debating the situation while 'N' decided to take matters into his own claws. "Please don't leave 'N', you are literally my only friend. No other Night Fury will be friends with me. Plus the others told us not to leave!" Red run look to 'N' and pleaded for him to stay. "No, I can't just stay here and wait around for something to happen... besides, I cant possibly be your ONLY friend... right?" 'N' looked at the other Night Furies that started glaring a bit at Red Run. He was about to take off when one of the other Night Furies saw this and then look at Red Run talking to 'N'. He then put two and two together and went to tell the older Night Furies who were currently arguing about the 'queen' situation. Once the older Night Furies were told of the situation, they were furious! They all went over to Red Run, ready to banish him from the Isle of Night. Poor Red Run was so confused and distraught. He didn't understand why this happened to him. If only they knew this was all a misunderstanding, that it wasn't his fault that one of the only true colored Night Furies would leave to see the 'queen'. When word got out that Red Run was to be banished for 'chasing 'N' away', all the other Night Furies were mean towards him. Eventually stories and rumors were spread about him being evil and only ever thinking of evil things, which of course is very not true. When he was banished, he flew off to find a secluded island that he could be alone on. Eventually word got out even to some of the Light Furies and other dragons to avoid the evil Night Fury known as Red Run.

As far as the adventures of 'N', well, I can only tell you what happens up to the meeting of the queen. 'N' had flown for almost 2 days straight (with a few breaks of course) before he finally reached an island covered in thick fog. He wondered what to do next until he felt strange, as if something was trying to control him. He followed this strange feeling through the thick fog. Once he reached an opening to a cave, he flew in and saw this 'queen' every dragon had been talking about. It was a Red Death. These dragons were massive and used their strengths to control others for their own gain. 'N' was a bit terrified but soon had no choice but to serve. For the next few months, he would go on the raids to an island called Berk with the other dragons to pillage it and bring their kill to the queen, that is until he was shot down by a young Viking.

I think you know the rest of 'N's story.
As for Red Run, he has a long ways to go...

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