5. "Damn you, Parker"

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(Peter is dating Harley bc we stan bi peter)

* * *

 Peter hunched over, focusing on the tiny wires and metals in his web-shooters when he felt a pair of hands land on his shoulders.

Peter ignored them, biting his lip thoughtfully as he gently closed up the shooters after fixing them.

"Don't ignore me," Harley pouted from behind him, resting his forehead on Peter's neck. Peter sighed in return and turned in his chair to face his boyfriend. Harley met his gaze with a childish grin as he wrapped his arms around Peter's neck and lowered his head to kiss him.

"No funny business in the lab!" Tony's voice rang from a few rooms away. Harley huffed and rolled his eyes, sitting down heavily on the chair next to Peter's.

"You finished with those?" He asked, eyeing the web-shooters sitting on the table.

"Yup, I think so, at least," Peter replied, still looking down at them. He clicked them on his wrists and shot a thick string of web to a wall. "Yeah, they're fixed."

"So," Harley cleared his throat. "Wanna do something later?"

Peter raised an eyebrow at him.

"Do what?"

"I don't know, maybe a movie night?"

Peter couldn't help but hold back a goofy smile.

"You are such a softie, Harley Keener," he laughed. "And yes, I would love to."

Harley returned the smile and bent over to kiss Peter, but was interrupted by a chime from Peter's phone. They rolled their eyes and Harley huffed.

"Why are we always interrupted?" He muttered. Peter sent him a smile and picked his phone up, his face dropping when he read it.

"What is it?" Harley asked, feeling nervousness creep up on him. Peter blinked and set his phone down quickly, as he took his shirt off to reveal his suit.

"Peter," he said firmly, grabbing his boyfriend's wrist before he leaped out of the window. Peter looked back at him apologetically.

"Sorry, there's a bomb threat in a nearby building," he explained, unable to hide the worry in his voice. He had never dealt with a bomb. What if he got there and couldn't find out how to deactivate it? Harley sighed and let go.

"Be safe," he mumbled.

"Always am," Peter replied, pecking Harley's lips quickly and jumping out of the window into the city.

* * *

 Peter arrived and saw police officers evacuating everyone from the large building. People were screaming and crying, getting as far away from it as possible. He hopped down onto the street and saw an officer walk up to him.

"What's the situation?" He asked, his eyes pierced in the tower.

"Bomb threat, we think we got everyone out, but it would be way better if the bomb were to be deactivated," the man explained. Peter met his gaze and nodded before swinging up into the third floor. 

He listened around for any more people but the officer had been right, no one was left inside.

"Karen?" Peter spoke.

"Yes, Peter?" Her gentle voice replied not a second later.

"Scan the area for the bomb."

He waited in silence for a few seconds when the voice spoke up again.

"There seems to be no traces of a bomb inside the building."

Peter's face scrunched up in confusion.

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