Chapter 11

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OMG!! 1K Thanks so much!! Thank you all new readers and new!! I know I haven't uploaded for a while but soon I'll see if I can post more than one these holidays!! I hope you all had an awesome Christmas!! I had a normal one, with family coming over and staying and hanging out with them. Also... HAPPY NEW YEAR/DECADE!! 🥳🥳 Welcome 2020!! Enjoy!!


Mina's POV
The guy bumped into Y/n on purpose, and then called her a bitch!! 'Trust me buddy that's a bad move for both of us!' Y/n's right eye twitched 'Oh no!' Her nose scrunched up and her eyebrows narrowed down. "Excuse. Me. But who do you think you're calling a bitch you asshole!!" Y/n pointed into the 6'3 guy's chest. "Hey! Y/n you really shouldn't be like that!" Kirishima appeared next to Y/n and pushes her away slightly, so she doesn't die!! "Asshole? Ha! The little hoe thinks she can do one better than me!!"

The guy shoved Kirishima to the side and yelled down at her. 'I have to do something... or else she'll end up being a squashed potato!!' "WHY I OUTTA!! COME AT ME YOU BIG, STUPID BASTARD!" Her eyes were filled with anger and her hands in position as if she was gonna use her quirk, 'Man she's gonna be squashed or worse... Y/n... it was good knowing you. Bestie!' That's when Kirishima picked up Y/n bridle style and ran off yelling "GOTTA GO!!"

Denki and I looked at each other and ran after Kirishima, running as far as we could away from the giant jerk. Once we were clear Y/n, still in Kirishima's arms wouldn't stop yelling things like, "PUT ME DOWN!! I WANNA BEAT HIS ASS!!" or "THAT MOTHER FUDGER!! (Be good children!!) HE'LL PAY FOR THAT!!"

Y/n's POV
I was still fired up by that stupid, bubbled headed jerk from before, but I'm lucky that Kirishima saved me and my stupid ass. I mean would I really be able to beat that guy? 'Wait... Kirishima... Me still in... his ARMS!!' I quickly jumped out of his grasp and bowed down, "I'm s-sorry to cause you such t-trouble!! Thanks for s-saving me from that situation!" My blush spread rapidly like wildfire across my face as I bowed before Kirishima.

"No. No. It's fine, he bumped you on purpose and heh-had no right to call you that so... i-it's cool." "Yeah! And what were you thinking Y/n! You could've gotten yourself flattened!!" Mina shouts as she shows a worried look on her face. "Thanks! Well, we should get going before Charlotte kills us!!" I state to change the subject. "Yeah! Let's go!" Denki agreed.

~Time Skip Brought to you by: What was the best gift you got for Christmas?~

Time flew by and I was now on more patrolling duty, but around the wave pool. So far I've seen 9/10 guys, some 6/10 guys but not real eye candy. Yeah sure I'm supposed to be 'patrolling' but it's kinda boring when doing it with some people you don't really know. There was a girl with earphone jacks coming from her ears, and a guy with half white hair and half red hair. Those were the two on patrol with me, yes we were far apart but it... was awkward.

I grabbed my walkie talkie and spoke in it, "Hey Mina! See any 10's yet?" There was a short crackling noise was heard, "Nah! Here at the gift shop nothing... I'm literally near the exit and it's almost closing time!" That's when a familiar female voice interrupted our conversation, "Actually, today since it's the start of the holidays we're open till night. Don't worry it's a one-night thing. It's just the main opening for the summer and stuff." Uraraka explained. "Wait for what? How late?" "Until... at 7 o'clock."

"Argh! It's still 4:25 pm! When will this end!!" "Oh, don't worry we all get turns of having some fun in the waterpark when it's late. It's kinda like having a break... but you have to do it in your workspace. Sometimes I and the girls muck around in the pools, did you know when it's the night the cool pool lights turn on!! It's so marvellous to take pictures in, they make it almost feel like a party!"

I was just imagining the amount of fun it would be with Mina and the guys. "Hey, Uraraka? Your working in the main office right? Could you check when Mina, Denki, Kirishima and I have our breaks tonight?" Silence, then she spoke, "Yeah! Um... just give me a sec." I heard her flicking through something and walking over to other things before she responded. "Surprisingly, you're all together again. Must be because you all had your breaks together before."

I punched the air with excitement, "Did you hear that Mina!" "Yeah! Loud and clear!" She squealed with excitement. "You girls wanna hang out with us?" Denki asked. It took me some thinking but Mina answered for me. "Yeah! Sure we'd love to!! Let's go on one of the slides maybe?!" "Sure! I'd prefer the Rapid Pipelines, we should try those first." Kirishima suggested. "Sure!" Mina shrieked with enthusiasm.

"You guys take the last break, so after you guys can go home!" Uraraka added. "Woohoo! Home-time!" I cheered, doing a happy dance almost falling into the pool.

~Time Skip Brought to you by: What's your goal for this year?~

"Woohoo! Break-time then home-time!!" I squealed as we all met up at the Rapid Pipelines, "Race ya to the top!" Denki challenged as he raced up the stairs. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" I yell accepting his challenge and racing after him.

Mina's POV
Denki and Y/n chased each other up the stairs as Kirishima and I shook our heads in disappointment. "Are they always like this?" Kirishima sighed, "Hum... Yep!" I smiled weakly, "Should we go?" I nodded and walked up together with Kirishima. "So... Y/n!" I smiled mischievously. "What about her?" Kirishima look confused like a puppy. "You know!..." Silence, "She's amazing, she's weird... she's tough-ish." Remembering the cafe incident. He smiled before moving his head to the side.

"Yeah! She's all that, Why?" I looked at him as if he was the dumbest person alive, not true it's definitely Denki. "Don't you like... like her? I mean...the ways you look at her, it's not like the way you look at the other girls right?" Kirishima rolled his eyes. (Short Kirishima POV) 'Argh! Not Mina too. Does it mean if I hang with any girl, it classified as me 'liking her'?' (POV Ended) "Sigh, for the last time. She's Taro's sister and... I can't fall for my friend's sis that's unmanly." Kirishima awkwardly laughed. "Come on! You can tell me!!" I pleaded. "There's nothing but a friendship between us." (Ouch! Kiri no!!) "Ha! You say that, but your actions are WAAAAY different." I rolled my eyes, 'Dang it couldn't get anything!'

Y/n's POV
"Beat ya! Ha! *exhale* Finally, better than you at *inhale* something." Denki huffed in my ear. "DON'T BE STUPID! *huff* YOU HAD AHEAD *inhale* START! YOU DUMBASS!" I yelled struggling to catch my breath. "Wait... where's Mina and Kirishima?" I realised looking around and soon spotting them finally at the top of the stairs. "Ready?" Kirishima asked. "Yeah!" We all cheered. "Hey, Pikachu! Hey Shitty Hair! And extras." An ash-blond glared down at me. I just glared back, he noticed.

"HEY EXTRA! YOU GOT A PROBLEM!!" "Hey, Bakubro! Don't be like that... it's unmanly." Kirishima calmly controlled the exploding ticking time bomb. 'Oh, he's that Bakubro guy that yelled at him earlier.' "OH! DON'T GET ME STARTED WITH THAT MANLY SHIT!!" "Come on man! Let's move on." "FINE! BUT YOU BETTER TALK TO YOU GIRLFRIEND IF SHE'S GOT A  PROBLEM WITH ME!"

I blushed slightly at the words I could hear coming from the ash-blondes mouth. Kirishima began to stutter, "A-Ah! Buddy can we j-just move on?!" "Go!" He grumbled having his eye stuck onto me. "Alright! Let's go!" Mina fist-bumped the air. "Let's make this a race! Winner chooses to dare for the loser." We all grinned at each other and nodded.

We all readied ourselves at the mouth on the tubes when we all counted down. "3! 2! 1! GO!!"

~To be Continued~

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