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Hello!!! Author here *TeeHee*!
Sorry I'm just so excited for this cause Kiri is best boi and... Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!
Well, I only did this cause I sometimes get "the bored"!!! I also enjoy making up these fanfics they're so much fun! Aahh!! I got chills down my spine while typing this! *Squeal!*

Alright I'll try my best to get some uploading done, and try to get homework/assessments/exams out of the way too. Okay so heads up there might be some SMUT but if you don't want to read this than I completely understand!! Don't worry, I'll let you all know! Okay? Oh and I might make a UA version, this is a Lifeguard version (not beach lifeguard... you'll see) , but I'll try my best!! Alright gotta start typing so please enjoy!!


Bring on the profiles!! Yeah! I'm sorry but I believe I got to do this. I'm only gonna mention the main few characters, I might add on to this during the story. Enjoy!!

Name: Y/n Mapa
Age: 16
Quirk: Water and Earth Manipulation. You can control or create anything to do with water or earth with your hands and feet. Hey! Heads up cause I can do this! Since you have a earth Manipulation quirk you can heal people, but this drains more energy quicker.
Weakness: Over use and if you do use your healing thingy you drain more energy out of yourself. Your one on one combat is okay, but it is not as good as Taro's one on one combat, you can do cool flips and kicks but there not as effective on someone two times your size.
Personality: Sometimes shy but really energetic when your around people you know. Usually your kind (sorry if your not kind in real life), smart, sometimes loud and funny. You become a lifeguard cause... (Oops! No no no!! Not yet my friend).
Image: This is yourself so imagine yourself however you want.

Name: Taro Mapa
Age: 18 (Older Brother)
Quirk: Earth Manipulation. Taro here, can do something a bit like Cemento's quirk but only with earthly items, he can't really throw or levitate any earth particles but he can use his powers to block like a shield. He can also heal with this quirk to. So who needs doctors when you have healing kids!!
Weakness: Over use of course! His quirk is mainly for shielding and such not much of an attacking quirk, but Taro is really good at one on one combat so he doesn't really have a problem.
Personality: Quirky, Brave, Honest, Funny, Kind, and Protective older brother. He teaches you almost everything, from all the video games he has played, to helping you train or develop your quirk. Without you in his life, as his little sister he would be a depressed potato. He's like a best friend, you can tell him anything and if it concerns him he will ask if you want him to tell your parents, but he can keep it a secret... sometimes.
Image Description: Dark brown hair with some light brown natural highlights. Good body form, muscles (For his one on one combat, nothing else //owo//), well toned 6 pack. Light Blue eyes. (Whoop //owo//) Olive clear Skin.

Name: Kinita MapaAge: 33 (Mother)Job: Female Firefighter

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Name: Kinita Mapa
Age: 33 (Mother)
Job: Female Firefighter. Uses her powers to help take out fires.
Quirk: Water Manipulation. Can create and control water with only her hands.
Weakness: Over use. Can't reach any water source that isn't in a 20km range distance for her to create bigger things, sure she can make water from her hands but she can only make 2 litres of water come from her hands.
Personality: Fun and out-going mom that loves and adores her two children. She is kind of embarrassing but you love her anyways. This Awesome mom supports both her awesome and creative kids, she would do anything for them to achieve their dreams.
Image Description: Dark long brown hair, (your eye colour), she doesn't look 30 but like late 20s the years have treated her well. Olive skin. Decent sized boobs I guess?!

Name: Haruto Mapa
Age: 35 (Father)
Job: Pro Hero!! (Hero name: Doctor Natural)
Quirk: Earth Manipulation. Can create and control earth with only his hands. He can levitate, create obstacles/objects or use as a shield with anything to do with earth!!
Weakness: Over use. Seeing anyone hurt, he can sometimes go overboard!
Personality: He loves his cute and smart daughter (Man I wish my dad was like that!!) and his overachieving son! He loves them both equally.
Image Description: Your hair colour hair (cause where else are you gonna get your hair from?! Duh!!), Light blue eyes, he is kinda looks old but not too old, he doesn't have grey hair yet.

Name: Mina Ashido
Age: 16
Quirk: Acid. She can throw or squirt acid out of her hands, and can also produce acid from her feet.
Weakness: Quirk wise she can't use it all too long. Not all that smart with school class stuff, but is creative with almost everything else.
Personality: Fun, loud outgoing best friend that you've known since primary school. She's always talking about boys and things to wear you are not that keen on it, multiple times she tried to get you with a guy but you declined, thinking it would be awkward for the guy who she had victimised.
Image: You can not describe this best friend of yours. Pfft!! Not cause I'm lazy but here's a picture.

 Pfft!! Not cause I'm lazy but here's a picture

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Name: Eijirou Kirishima
Age: 16
Quirk: Hardening. He can harden any part of his body and use it as a defensive move or an offensive move in his attacks.
Weakness: Over use. Like Taro, Kiri can only mainly do one on one due to his quirk not being a long range quirk.
Personality: Kind hearted, Manly, cute and handsome guy who cares for anyone close to him.
Image: You cannot describe this beautiful soul so here's a picture.

Image: You cannot describe this beautiful soul so here's a picture

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Lifeguard Kirishima x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now