My gosh

2.6K 28 4

How does this book have 1k reads already????

I'm so confused lol

Edit: wtf now it has 4k?!

Second Edit: WTAF, now it has 5k?!?! If this passes, like 7k or smth idk what I'll do but if I find more I might add on to the book (if y'all would like that)

Third Edit: Bruh- now it's got 6k?! I feel like I need to do something special to celebrate this lol any ideas?

Fourth edit: It's got 9k now

Wow it's 10k now

15k I- I'm still in shock that this is my most read book

And it's 18k now im done ✔️

20k (just gonna keep doing this because I'm a lil shit who likes to update this chapter on the # of reads for no reason)'s got 39k now (!)

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