Murcia is hungry

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This is basically a countryhuman and countryball crossover. Enjoy! 🌸


America was in his room chilling, playing video games when a loud scream was heard from outside. America came out of his room to see Canada and his little ball friend a bit burnt. "AMERICA WHY IS YOUR COUNTRYBALL TRYING TO NUKE US DOWN?" Canada screamed at him. America looked down, by the stairs, to see his countryball holding a nuclear bomb. (though how is that possible?). He then picked up the hazardous ball and gave the ball some snickers. "You're not you when you're hungry. Grab a snicker".

A/N: I'm sorry! This one is quite short =(

Countryhumans Oneshot  (On hiatus unless I come up with a better Idea)Where stories live. Discover now