Ive grown another year

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I haven't taken the time to come back to this. I've graduated from reading fan fiction to reading some classical literature. And I love it and understand it.

I loved this app from when I was about 12-14

Such a short phase to read about 300 books in

I don't read much.

Now I've really grown. I'm much taller, and much stronger. I've had sex, I've had heartbreak, I've been dumb. I've lost people.

Recently I lost a friend to suicide

My life is changing around me everyday. I feel like the one glued down snowman in a snow globe, and god is relentlessly shaking it.

I think I believe in a god, not any organized religions. My own design. My own interpretation.

I sing in a funk band now and I've got a gig at a little under ground music place in January. But I think my heart and passion lies in learning, science and literature.

I'm a terrible writer but a great reader. I think I'd like to continue that.

my life is just really beginning, and I'd like rhe thank the authors that wrote the stuff that made me cry at 2 am on a school night, and the stuff I was proud of understanding, and the things I learned here. Because I learned how beautiful expression is here. So thank you authors. Or whomever reads this.

Know I'm doing well, and I'm gonna be okay and so are you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2019 ⏰

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