Leap Through Time

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Alec had arrived first, or at least he thought. He stood in the middle of the giant door, although he was very uncomfortable. He felt like someone was watching him. He placed his iconic black hood on top of his head and waited.

The couple arrived next and the brunette gasped at the scene she's looking at, which startled Alec. Before Alec could hide, the couple were already behind him. "Excuse me, but are you the one who sent us the letters?" The blue haired male asked Alec.

Alec looked surprised at the sound of the familiar voice before turning around to see the couple with his own eyes. There was a moment of silence and shock between the couple and Alec. "Kyran...? Gold? You guys received the letter too?" Alec inquired, before looking at the couple's hands which both had engagement rings. "I see you had the guts to confess your love huh, Kyran." Alec smirked right after.

The blue haired male, in which Alec called Kyran, glared at Alec. "Yes I had the guts to confess and even proposed to her... Unlike you, who never confessed your feelings towards Funneh."

Alec was taken aback by Kyran's reply. Hearing Kyran talking back without stuttering a word was something he hadn't gotten used to, and might not even in the future. There was silence between the two until the brunette, Gold, broke it. "Hey look! Isn't that Evan?"

The two fixated their eyes to the newcomer, Evan, who blinked at the three in confusion. Awkward silence filled the air. "Guys! Can't believe it's you! In person!" Evan blurted out, with the same energy as he was in highschool.

"So, you got the letter too? That's... Weird, does that mean our other friends are here or is this letter thing just a prank for each of us to see each other again?" Gold asked, putting one of her hands on her hips.

"Not quite."

In one of the bushes, a familiar black haired girl was immediately pushed out of her hiding spot. Following the girl was Funneh who glared at the girl before softening her gaze when she saw the brunette.

"Gold?!" Funneh stated the obvious before running into a hug with Gold. Gold returned the hug, enjoying the reunion with her best friend. Although their reunion was cut short.

"As much as I want to see your happy reunion, I've sent you the letters for a specific reason." Yandere spoke up, in her cuffed hands was an open box.

Inside the box were watches, there weren't any like the new watches. These ones were... More futuristic but looked like watches made from the 80's or 70's. There was also a weapon, a shiny blue-edged silver blade knife glinted in the sunlight. A remote had also been laid inside, it had numbers and a circle.

Funneh took one of the watches. "What's with these watches?" She fiddled with it. "An apology gift for us?" She joked. Yandere stared at the bluette with an emotionless face, she took the knife and threw it at Gold. The latter caught it, unharmed.

"Cut to the chase Yandere, why did you want to meet up." Alec paused and looked around before staring at the black haired girl. "Specifically here..." He continued in suspiciousness. The rest looked at Yandere in curiosity. She sighed.

"I'm here for an offer." Yandere said.

"An offer?" Evan replied.

"Over the years, scientists tried inventing a time machine. From what I heard, none of them had succeeded in making one... Until 5 years ago, when a prisoner in the same building as me had made one." Yandere paused, looking around cautiously.

"And what's the time machine going to do with us meeting and the offer?" Evan spoke up.

"I'm not supposed to say it outloud, let alone supposed to tell it to you." Yandere said. "But I'm offering a chance for you to go back in time. Fix everything that happened." She continued. "Starting with the murders in YHS."

"The... Murders? You think we're just going to accept the offer and go back to fix the things you did? Not a chance." Alec replied quickly, turning his back and walked away from the group. While doing it, he sneakily stole the knife from Gold. He probably has something up on his sleeve.

"Don't say that to me. You know you're guilty as well." Yandere spoke out, glaring daggers at the red head. "You may have ratted me out, but doesn't mean you didn't help in-" Yandere was surprisingly cut off by a punch which none would expect from.

Alec stopped walking and turned his head to the group. There, Evan stood in front of the fallen Yumi. He fist was balled, a little shade of red in his knuckles. The box fell, fortunately, the watches were unharmed. "Look, he may have done wrong things in the past. But he changed and realized it, unlike you."

Evan crouched down and grabbed one of the watches, looking at it before letting out a toothy grin to the others. "We'll go back in time, not only to fix Yandere's mistakes but also to fix our own mistakes!" He exclaimed.

Alec raised his eyebrows in realization. He walked back to the group. "I don't like the idea of me agreeing with the music boy here." He placed his hand behind his neck. "But he's right." Evan's smile grew wider at that statement.

Gold tapped her finger on her chin. "But if we time-travel, will we lose our memories?"

Kyran shook his head. "I've seen many time-travelling animes, neither of them has a character losing their memories in the mere process." He said.

"Karl Jacobs would like to say otherwi-" Funneh got cut off by Kyran playfully hitting her shoulder.

"We're talking about anime not Dream SMP." Kyran jokingly argued.

"And yet people draw animatics about that. So it's still anime, just not from Japan." She argued back. "Didn't fans even make an anime opening for the SMP?"

Gold clapped. "Guys, back to the topic in hand." The two looked at Gold, stopping their argument about the SMP. Gold sighed at the two. "So, why don't we vote instead of arguing and easily getting distracted from the prize."

Alec glared at Yandere as he was guarding her while the others were arguing. "Yeah, sure." He said. "All folks who agree to time-travel, raise your hand." He says, raising his hand. Evan, Kyran and even Gold raised their hands as well, leaving Funneh.

"Well, majority wins." Funneh sighed, picking up a watch and strapping it on her wrist. Evan strapped his, looking at it like it's a trophy.

The others grabbed a watch from the box. When everyone had strapped their watches, one was left in the box. Kyran picked it up. "Is there supposed to be an extra?"

Yandere looked at the male, standing up from her position. "No, supposedly, Evelyn would be invited. But it seems like she didn't receive the letter then."

Evan snatched the watch from Kyran's hand. "I'll take it just in case someone tries to take it." He said, glancing at Yandere. Yandere took out a small remote with a button and pressed it, all the watches beeped. "What did you do?"

"In 30 seconds, all of you will time-travel back to a few days before the opening of Sophomore year." Yandere stated.

Evan wiped the non-existent dust from his hand and looked at the watch. He clapped. "Only 10 more seconds left." He was so excited that the other watch fell and rolled.

Alec looked at the watch. "Evan, the wa-"

"Three more seconds..."




Before Alec could get the rolling watch, him and the rest disappeared. They have time-travelled back to the past. "Huh." Yandere said, before looking at the watch.

The rolling watch stopped at Yandere's feet. Yandere took out a key and uncuffed her hands. She grabbed the fallen time watch and smirked at it.


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