These past months be stress,beautiful as ever Daniel and them made bands. Zion ,nick my baby. The love of my life Brandon and Edwin made a band called prettymuch and they same level as why don't we. I'm proud of Daniel we came close he more protective which is a good thing. Tonight is a big night for austin and I you see when I had a lot of sex. Which three weeks and one night we didn't use protection. I'm gonna have a baby.
"We graduating my twin ". Daniel throw his arm around my shoulder while we walk in meeting our friends.
As the others sit down I was waiting to be called to give my speech In the chair on stage . "Stand up for the flag". Principal Davis said.
"Now you maybe seated". He said "we now gonna give out the scholarships".
Two hours past.
We have our diplomas. "We now gonna hear a speech from lavender Seavey".
I walk up there and keep eye contact with austin.
"These past four years has taught us had to be more mature and be ready for our adult world . We may not gonna have our parents with us through every ride when we need them for signing our report card or letting us go on trips: or sneaking out going to party's late at night staying with friends if any of it goes wrong they would be there thru thick and thin . Now we grown up we know our responsibilities that we learn becoming a teen and a young adult. Thanks to our moms and dads for helping us learning the ropes. Life went pass us fast it teach me a lesson spent time with your friends have fun at your prom our either school event we have one hell of a ride and we would keep on riding till we stop making memories this class is the best graduation class Ever I'm here to tell you to live you dream to live my dream and most importantly remember the memories of the first day of school till now cherish them memories for the bad ones they lead to good memories. Class of 2017 let's make new memories start fresh . Most importantly thank the teachers thank your parents. Thank you". I sit down next to Daniel as he hug me
As we did all the stuff we went to the diner and I sit next to Daniel with austin on my other side. I felt something coming up. I push austin out of the way went to bathroom started puking my guts out I felt someone hold my hair back.
"I got you love". Anna hold my hair back the only people that know are my anna my parents tyler wasn't too happy but then he was was excited andso was Christian. I'm telling Daniel tonight.
Daniel pov
As the boys left only Austin sitting down keep on looking back at the girls bathroom door .
" so I know I make lavender happy but I don't want to have a long distance relationship with her -"
"Wait you breaking up with her ".tyler said "You can't-". He stop
"Tell her gently". I look at him "now move so I can check on my sister ". I rush in the bathroom and saw anna holding her hair back
"You okay". I ask worried
"Im-". Lavender started puking
As I went to get a paper towel. She throw up again.
I hand anna the paper towel.
"I have to tell you something".she nervously said Holding her stomach noticing a small bumb
"Whatever it is you can tell me".
"Ummm I'm pregnant".
I pull her into a hug "you'll be a great mom". She will be a great mom and I know cause she a great person. And I know what she what's best for the baby. Her and au- dammit austin.if it goes wrong imma stick by her side No matter what .

𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫
Fanfiction𝐖𝐝𝐰 𝐗 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘𝐌𝐔𝐂𝐇 (highschool) "I will love you for the rest of my life"austin said resting his hands on my ass "lavender Reign Seavey". I smile at him lean in as our lips made the perfect sync.