Chapter 1

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Louis Tomlinson is currently packing his bags to go to the alpha training center. As every alpha wolf after the age of 20 has to attain the training to serve their pack. In case of a beta, their training starts at the age of 19, and for omegas, they have to attain this as they turn 18.

"Boo, hurry up, or you will be late"

"Coming mum" Louis said, zipped his luggage and headed downstairs with his bags on his shoulder. He placed his bags down and entered the kitchen to see Doris and Ernest sitting at the dining table, eating sandwiches.

"Sit and eat this" Johanna said and placed a plate of scrambled eggs in front of Louis.

As Louis finished his plate, he kissed his mum on her cheeks, said goodbyes to all his siblings and left to pick up his mates.

Next to Louis's house, Niall Horan is having breakfast with his parents. "Niall, have you packed everything you need son?" Bobby asked.

"Yup, have everything I need also mum double checked it" Niall replied with mouth full of food.

"Niall, don't talk with food in your mouth" Maura warned Niall, "And finish it quickly, Louis will be here soon"

Niall finished his food and ran upstairs to grab his bags. He kissed his parents goodbye and went outside for his mates to pick him up.

Across Niall's house sat Liam Payne's. He is all set to go. Among others, he is most excited to go there. His loves for physical activity is going to be his biggest favor. Moreover he is happy to be with his mates.

"Liam, baby, take care of yourselves and your mates, okay" Karen said, as her eyes started to waters.

"Mum, please don't cry, I will" Liam replied, wiping his mum's tears.

"Alright Liam, time to go, they are here" Jeffery said and hugged Liam. "Take care love".

The house next to Liam's is Zayn Malik's who is still asleep peacefully on his bed.

Trisha knocked on his door, "Zaynie, wake up your mates will be here soon"

"I'm up" He yawned, get down of his bed and went to bathroom. He washed his face, changed his clothes and went down with his bags which he had packed yesterday.

He heard a honk, signaling his mates are here. So quickly grabbing an apple, he said goodbye to his mum and went out.

He put his stuff in the trunk and get in the car

"Vas happenin' boys"

"ZAYNIE" everyone shouted together.

"Alright, let's go" Niall said, throwing his hand in the air. With that, Louis started driving.

The ride was fun; they were singing songs and raps. Niall was vlogging their journey. The ride comes to the end and in front of them three large building were standing. One of them is for alphas, one for betas and one for omegas.

"Hope we can find our omega here" Liam said looking at the building with hopeful eyes. Others nodded in agreement. They have been looking for their omega for quite a long time now and they are ready to love him.

Hi lovely people,

Here's the first chapter, hope you like it.

I will update soon.



- Fem

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