Chapter 3

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The lads were confused because as soon as they opened their eyes, the stone was nowhere to be found. Everyone's eyes show confusion, shock and fear. Without having any second thought, they shift back into their wolves and ran away from that place.

On the way, back to the training center, they heard a beautiful voice. A deep male voice singing an unknown song. But it was really calming the nerves of the lads. They come to halt to listen to him.

And oh we started
Two hearts in one home
It's hard when we argue
We're both stubborn
I know, but oh

Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home

The boy was around their age with milky white skin which is illuminating under the moonlight, brown curly hair which is secured with a head band, wearing a simple t-shirt and the tightest black skinny jeans.

Sweet creature
We're running through the garden
Oh, where nothing bothered us
But we're still young
I always think about you and how we don't speak enough

And oh we started
Two hearts in one home
I know, it's hard when we argue
We're both stubborn
I know, but oh

The boy was sitting on a big rock and two rabbits on his lap. He is petting them and singing to them. The rabbits were looking at him like they can understand every word the boy is saying.

Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home

They approach towards the boy. Hearing the footstep, the boy immediately stopped singing and turned around.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The lads were in awe, the boy infront of them looks like an angle. Amazing green eyes shining in the moonlight like emerald. Pink plump lips, so kissable. His skin looks like baby soft skin.

They shift back quickly.

"Hi, I'm Louis, this is Liam, Zayn and Niall" Louis introduced pointing at everyone.

Harry gives them a little smile "I'm Harry"

"Harry relaxed no need to be tense, we won't hurt you" Liam said as wanted to relax him

"'m's guys are...."

"I know we can be intimidating cause we are alphas, but we won't hurt you" Louis said confidently.

"Actually, you guys are...kind know...naked" Harry said as blush covering his face.

The lads look at each other with wide eyes and immediately went behind the bush to get dressed. They came out fully dress. They were so embarrassed. Harry was biting his lips to hide is laughter.

"Go on, laugh at us" Zayn said with a huff.

And Harry breaks down into a fit of laughter. Watching him laughing, lads couldn't help but started laughing with him. The laughter died down after few minutes only heavy breathing was heard.

"Well, that was fun. Are you guys new here?" Harry asked them.

"Yup, just came here today" Niall answered.

"Oh I see, first day and you already started to sneak out?" Harry said with a raised bow.

"Yeah, we were getting bored of the lecture Mr. Twist giving" Louis said.

"I know he can be boring sometimes. So are you going back?" Harry asked as he bends down to let the rabbits go back. The lads nodded. "Alright then, let's go"

They were walking silently. Harry was leading their path. They wanted to ask Harry so many things but didn't. They reach near the training center and Harry turned around.

"Bye, see you around" with that he ran away before they can say anything.

The lads successfully get in to their room, without getting caught. They went to bed with only think in their mind, 'who is Harry'.

Hi lovely people,

Here's the third chapter, hope you like it. Harry's here.

Harry will sing more for you in future.  :)

I will update soon.



- Fem

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