A Beautiful Feeling

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It's difficult to explain the feeling I get when I'm out of the city and in the country. With no cellphones or city noise, but you and nature to entertain yourself.

When I go away on holiday, my favourite place to go is Riversong Farm in the Cedarburg. When you wake up you can hear the birds chirping away outside your window. When you are up and about and you go onto the porch and take a deep breathe, you can smell the pine trees behind the cottage, the smell of wild bushes. If yo0u listen carefully, you can hear the pools water gushing into the pool below you. You can hear dogs barking. And when a car drives past on the odd occasion, you can hear the crunch of the tyres on the gravel going down the steep slope.

If you walk to the lake, you can feel the sand that is creeping into your sandals. And hear the sounds of the leaves rustling on the trees towering above you, and the reeds shaking, they sound like rattles, the buzz of bees. You can spot a snake hole and maybe a snake bathing in the sun. If you leave him alone ,he will ignore you. On the lakes bank, you take off your sandals and prepare your feet for the freezing cold water but the weather is unpleasantly hot. So you don't mind. When you get back your cousins and sister want to go swimming, they waited for you. You quickly get dressed walk down to the pool and gingerly  get into the freezing cold water. The pool is large and deep, you can't see the bottom( in the deeper water).

The pool is surrounded by Oak trees. To me this is heaven, even though I miss my friends and family at home. I love the feeling of being there, at peace and relaxed. We don't often get the chance to be completely surrounded by nature. It's the one place where no one will judge you, so you can be yourself.


A/N This is my first piece of writing I'll posting. So comments and even constructive criticism is a appreciated.

Thanks for reading

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