Chapter 2- I forgot you existed

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As the cold winter wind blew past her, Michelle began to walk rapidly towards her home. Coming back to her house at 7 PM in a cold winter evening was not her something that she enjoyed. Well it's something that any one enjoys. Her car broke down three blocks closer to her home. The mechanic, a kind old man had told her that he would get her car the next morning to her house in an excellent working condition. Thanking him, she began to walk towards her home.

Reaching her house, she immediately switched on the heating and went inside to change. After a nice hot shower, she made herself a good cup of coffee and sat in her living room, surfing her television.

While surfing she began to drift back to the events that happened to her in the past two years. Her so called best friend Trish and some colleagues at work had made her life hell. Trish broke off contact with her because she was too "closed off" and began to spread rumours about Michelle in the office, making it hard for her to live in the office. Michelle quit her job, for a better one but Trish followed her there as well. She tried to spread rumours there but it did not work.

Trish wanted to talk to Michelle and had been pestering Michelle about it. Michelle just ignored her. But today Trish wasn't taking no for an answer. She brought Michelle to the store cabinet and apologised profusely while Michelle looked at her with an expressionless face. Michelle just told her "I am sorry but I am not the person you are looking for. And even if I am, I would not forgive you for an eternity for what you did to me. So just rot in your egoistic lies because I know that you are lying to me like you had been all those years ago".

Saying this she stormed the cabinet leaving a awestruck audience outside who could not believe their ears and a crying Trish whose dirty secrets were now exposed.

Even though Michelle had to work a little more than usual and had a bad car day, her day today was so much better than usual.

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