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I made a deal with a demon and now I am paying the price, and what I got was not worth it. I shift uncomfortably on the balls of my feet, becoming  restless for standing for hours on end. I am in what appears to be an office, waiting on my turn to be helped. They dont just let anyone in to Hell aparently. After waiting in line for three hours I have finaly made it to the front counter.

"Hello," I say cheerfully, even though a few minutes ago i wanted to run my fist through somone. What did they always say? Fake it till you make it? "Hi," the clurk said unenthusiastically.

  "I will need your slip." I dig around in my bag and grasp onto the paper. After my deal being called in and drug into this waiting area by hell hounds, this paper came into my possesion, telling me where in Hell I was suposed to end up. I hand the slip to him. He glances at it and looks up at me through his thick rimmed glasses.

"It seems you will be placed in the servant's section." 


"Could you tell me what that means sir?"

He gives me a distasteful look. "It means you will be tasked with the upkeep of Hell. Doing things like cleaning select bed rooms, wiping down the weapons or artifacts, cleaning after the King's torture sessions, excetera excetera."

"Oh, okay," I respond. "Thank you for your help." He sighs and motions me closer. I obliged. "You are going to be working in Hell for whatever reason so Im going to give you a little tip... don't continue being so polite. There are terible things in those halls who will see your politness as weakness. Put your gaurd up and dont let it down."

I gulped and from then on he only spoke when needed. At the end of the thirty minutes i had been standing at that desk, the clerk thrusts a maid's outfit in my arms. It looked kind of skimpy. Like some kind of kinky lingerie. I sighed. This was gonna be a long 15 years.

                                                                                                     ~~~           ~~~            ~~~

It had only been a few weeks now and I had already broken a special vase or two, used a potion instead of the cleaner to wash the floors, and ‘acidentaly’ tripped several people (9). Manny servants are never sent in to see Crowley but I have. And now it was my second time. I was going in now because me and my new friend Lawrence had started a prank war along with two others and I got caught in the archives stealing someone importants eyeball. Adof Hyler? Hiltion? Something like that.

 I was currently being escorted by two huge guys to the throne room. When we arrived they paused us at the door and knocked forcefully. I heard a faint ‘come in’ and in we went. 

The lights were always a bit brighter in here so my eyes took a second to adjust. When everything came into focus I saw a round table in the corner with mounds of paper all over it. Then sitting in the chair at the head of the table was the king. My heart skipped a beat. He was lounging in the seat looking straight at me with those sharp eyes. A predators eyes.  

“Thank you boys,” he told the escorts behind me. They exited the room silently and closing the thick brass doors behind them, leaving me alone with Crowley, the King of Hell. “ Well.. look who is back, and so soon.” He smirked and I looked down at my feet. I see his feet circle around me and I start to get wet. I hear him inhale and I get ready to be yelled at, but it never comes. “Do you not remember last time how I let you off with only one warning?” I just simply nodded. “Answer me!” “Yes,” I say timidly.

“Well it looks like the warning didn’t work, so this time im going to put actions behind my words darling. For the next two weeks you will be cleaning the rooms the West Hall.” I whipped my head up and looked at him with supprise.

“NO!” He raised an eyebrow at me. The instant we made eye contact I put my head down again. “Okay make that four weeks.”  I mentally cringed.

The west hall was the worst place to clean. It was constantly filthy and filled Hell’s meanest and nastest things. He then walked up to me and tilted my chin up to meet his eyes. "Next time darling, you might want to think before you speak to me like that or next time there will be a worse punishment." I began to fantisise about ways he could punish my body but I get interupted when he comands me to leave. I think I need to blow off some steam.

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