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I walked out of my room in my skimpy maid out fit and down the dark, creeky hallway. I was running on very little sleep due to the hot dreams I was getting. It had ben five almost six weeks since I got here and things were already going bad.

I had been infront of Crowley, the king of Hell twice. The first time i was let off with a warning (that was hot) and the second time I got caught stealing an eye from the archives. So now I am sentenced to clean the rooms in the West Hall for four weeks straight. Today was my second day cleaning and just being down here creeped me out.

This was the darkest part of Hell and I heard many stories from the other servants. I went into the first room I was scheduled to clean and began removing the sheets and pillow cases. Chuck only knows what has happened in these rooms.

I threw the pillows in my cart and brought out some new ones, fluffed them up a bit and placed them on the bed. I would have to return later to put the fresh sheets back on once I turned them into the laudryman. I began cleaning out the closests, dusting the faces of the furniture and wiping down everything in sight. I did the same thing for all of the other seven rooms.

As I was walking out of the eighth room I heard strange noises. I looked all around but saw nothing, then all of a sudden I was slammed into the wall from behind. I started thrashing and screaming trying to get ahold of anything on my attacker. They started hushing me and telling me to calm down.

I finally recognized the voice "Lawrence?"

He spun me around and smiled at me with a big, stupid grin. "Heyyyy ______"

"What in the world do you think you are doing to me!?"

"I was just tring to scare you. Looks like it definatly worked!"

"Yeah, it did. You about gave me a flipping heart attack! Why are you down here anyway?"

He looked like he was trying to remember, then it came to him. "The head maid wanted me to tell you that there is one more room you need to clean down here. Follow me and I'll show you." So I followed him obediently.

I could not risk not doing it and it get back to Crowley. Lawrence led me down the hallways to the outside of the room i was supossed to clean. "Well here we are," he said throwing his hands up in the air. He said, "Ill leave you to it" and left.

I knocked on the door to make sure it was empty and walked in. I was taken aback at what I saw. The room was massive. It had king size four poster canopy bed with a red and black bedding, a sparkiling dimond chandelier, immense floor-to-ceiling windows, and the fluffiest pillows I have seen in my life.

I walked further into the room, cart forgotten as I took the room in detail. After exploring the room a little bit, I walked over to the bed.
I know I shouldnt but the pillows look so inviting. Sleeping on the pillows in the servants quarters was like sleeping on a rock, and I was running on very little sleep so I gave into the call that the pillows emitted.

I layed down on the cloud-soft bed and inhaled deeply. That smell....I know it.

I inhaled again and began to feel my arousal growing. I don't know why this smells familar but it makes my head spin and heat grow in my belly.
I roll over a bit to try and get more comfortable then I feel the dip of where the person has lain before me. I grow more and more hot and crave some stimulation to my clit.

The closest thing I can grab is a pillow so I put it to use. I begin slowly rolling my hips against the pillow then start building up speed.

"ahh ah oh" I moan into the other pillow trying to quiet my loud cries of pleasure. Still humping the pillow I reach behind me to undo my bra. I tease myself by grasing around the sensitve peak but not quite touching yet. I feel the knot inside me building up. Im rolling my hips so fast against the red silk pillow that its shaking the whole bed.

I use both of my hands to pinch my nipples hard then I'm tumbling off the edge into complete bliss. I can't hold back anymore and scream the name I have been wanting to. "ahah ah oh C-CROWLEY!" As I come down from the orgasm I still roll my hips over the pillow with the intoxicating sent. This is the first time in a long time that I have been able to touch myself let alone have an orgasm. Just then I hear footsteps.

Oh no! I wasnt expecting anyone to be in the West Hall! I run into the closet with my clothes in my arms and close the doors. Through the crack inbetween the two doors I cant believe who I see. There the king of Hell stands in one of his suits and a apron covered in blood.

He lets out a sigh a he begins to take off the apron, the the tie, then the jacket, then the collared shirt. I gulp. Then he removes the pants. Wetness again begans to pool between my legs. Crowley then stops all movement and inhales a deep breath, then looks to the bed. I am so dead! The bed has been notably messed with and the pillow I was rubbing my clit on now has a visible wet spot.

Crowley slowly walks over to the bed and grabs my favorite pillow and places his nose directly on the wet spot then deeply inhales. His beautiful eyes glow red and whips his head up and faces the closet. I know Im going to get caught. He stalks toward the closet and its like he is looking right at me. Eyes still glowing he slams back the closet door and I gasp. He sees me, licks his soft lips, and gives me that smile that would make any woman cum right then and there.

"Well hello _____" he says leaning on the closet door frame looking at me up and down. I try to hide my embarassment with a clever remark "Like what you see big boy?"

"Mmmh as a matter of fact a do." He pulls me out of the closet and pins me against the wall. "I know you've been thinking about me. I can smell your arousal each time you are near me. Is that why you keep getting in trouble? Because this dirty little pussy craves my unwavering attention?" I look to the ground ashamed of myself, but he lifts my eyes to meet his.

"Look at the mess you made on my bed. Its gonna smell like that sweet clit of yours for days, but thats what you wanted isnt it?" Still looking in his eyes I nod. This makes him hard and his eyes flash red. He picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist and grinds into me. I can feel how big he is and its more than I imagined. I gasp and my pussy clenches around nothing. "oh god-- ah Crowley please."

"Please what? What do you want my little maid?"

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Thanks for reading! Let me know if you want another chapter. I know that there are gramatical errors and some mispelling but it is what it is. This was my first lemon/smut.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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