Empty Space

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Hi,today I'm here to tell you my story.

My name is Milena and I'm thirteen years old. I have short blonde hair and I often hide my left eye with my hair.

I hide it because I have a blue eye,but the one I hide disgusts the people around me,they think it's "The Most Disgusting Thing In the World".

I usually don't pay much attention to them,but recently my eye started to hurt a lot when exposed to the light.

So I started hiding it.

My classmates often react strangely when they see me. They must be planning something. I have no friends,and no family. I'm completely alone with my books.

I love reading and studying,in fact I am the most intelligent student in my class. I consider the books my only friends.

I was sad and accidentally made a fire start.

That's what injured my eye.

For me what's important is studying.

And,too,being perfect in every way,by every mean,because that's what my parents wanted me to be.

It's...my only goal.

19th of December,Milena's P.o.V.

I'm sitting outside on my house's external stairs watching some of my classmates discuss something.

-Seriously,what's her problem?

-How should I know?!- Heck,Nurami is a lot nervous today...Nurami is a girl with soft pink hair who's always nervous. ALWAYS.

-Girls,we need a plan to find out more about her. Got it?- Kasha says. Kasha has short red hair and she always tried to make me her friend,although I never wanted to because I prefer staying lonely.

-Yeah,but how?- That's Hale,another one of my classmates. She has got long black hair and she's really quiet.

-I have an idea...maybe we could ask Mabel?-...Kasha wants to ask Mabel?

-Ah,right! Mabel is the only close person to Milena,and she might know something!-,says Nurami,pumping her fist in the air.

-Well then,let's go!

They...want to bring Mabel into this.

I'll follow them and I'll have to be sure to hide while following them.

I don't want them to know anything.

17:05,Milena's P.o.V.

-Mabel,open! It's me,Kasha!

-I'm comiing!

A girl with long blonde hair and gentle blue eyes opens the door. It's Mabel.

-Mabel,we'd like to ask you some questions...

-About what?

-About Milena.

-O-oh...About...M-Milena,you say...?- I don't think she is going to say anything. To make sure,I'll send her a signal.

-Ah...uhm,I'm really,really sorry,but see,I have lots of things to do and I'm,like,really busy,so I don't have time. Maybe some other time! Now goodbye!

Good, she saw the signal. She finally closed that freaking door...

-But...Ah,what are we going to do now?!

-I don't know...I'm out of leads!

-What if we ask...Milena herself?


-Huh...I don't think she'll answer our questions.

-Maybe if we ask her gently?

-Well,let's give it a try.

Oh no they're going to my house...I have to be faster than them.

18:50,Milena's P.o.V.

Sheesh,I made it to home fast.

-Milena! It's me,Hale!

I open the door.

-Yes,what is it?

Why is there only Hale? Maybe they sent only her because she's the gentle one in their group...

-Uhm,see,I was wondering why you don't talk often...What's wrong?

-Y'see,it's none of your business.

-Come on Milena...



-No,I said. Now get out,please.


-Listen,Hale. I don't want to be mean to you,but it's nothing of your concern.



I close the door. Sheeesh,she gave up at last.

I start walking around the house.

The only sound is the noise of my footsteps.

My house is always like this.

Silent...and empty.

I think it's quite relaxing.

But still melancholic.

The empty rooms belonged to my mother,my father and my little sister.

When they were still with me some year ago.

It's been seven long years since I was left alone in this house.

It's a really cute and fancy house,like the ones in the movies.

I don't want to talk with anyone about my past,not even with Kasha,Nurami or Hale.

I'll go to sleep now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2014 ⏰

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