🌺 Eijirou 🌺

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"Have a wonderful night!" I smiled, waving at the client who just left my shop.

"Thanks! You too, Kirishima!" The woman said as she was leaving.

I got out from behind the counter, flipped off our open sign and locked the door. I moved the curtain in front of the door before I went to finish closing up.

Oh, shit! What kind of a first impression am I gonna make if I don't introduce myself!

Sorry. I'm Eijirou Kirishima! Welcome!

This universe is a little different than yours.

Yeah, I can see where you are through the hole in the fourth wall.

Who's that behind you?

I'm just pulling your leg, sorry. I truly couldn't help myself.

Are you doing okay? Want some food or water?

What am I doing? I can't get you that stuff through the wall... I'm sorry.

Go drink and eat... holy shit, how late is it for you?

I think you should probably get some sleep... if you don't want to, that's okay, but please make sure you're okay, please? For me?

Okay. Cool. Let me talk to you a bit about this universe.

So, obviously, I am not the Eijirou Kirishima you're used to.

He has this power called... Hardening, right?

Sort of an odd name for a power, but it's cool! Quirky, even!

So, in this world there's this stuff called magic. It's not like the magic you have in your world, with the cards and the bunnies in hats.


I'm talking about objects floating around, people with wings, pixie dust in practically every household, if you can afford it.

People are usually able to learn simple magic at young ages, like when you're four years old.

It happened to me when I was three, actually.

I had to get up in the middle of the night when I made a pencil float over to me and, unfortunately, stab my eye.

Yeah, I'm a bit of a klutz.

But that's okay! You guys don't hate me for it... right?

Nope! Sorry, about that! Just ignore that question!

Moving on... what should we do next... ooh! Let's move on to types of magic!

Some people specialize in specific types of magic. Like, some people are great manipulating plants, a few are able to take over people's minds, some can talk to animals, blah blah blah.

It's sorta like how in your Kirishima's world, people have specific powers, some more common than others. Some magic comes much easier to others here, etc.

Personally, I specialize in what people call the "dark arts". Lots of shadow control, creating shadows, a bit of voodoo, if I'm up for it, and, my personal favorite, creating a liquid shadow.

Practically ink.

I actually found out that if I take flower seeds or petals, the ink I create gets recolored.

I really love drawing, mainly with pens and my own ink. I normally draw random aesthetic designs, flowers, etc.

Normally, they end up being pastel colors, but I'm also totally cool with darker colors.

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