✒ Katsuki ✒

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"Uh, what?"

"Your eyes? They're yell-- ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck," I muttered as realization smashed into me like a truck.

"I-I'm sorry!" Red stammered, closing his eyes. "You didn't have to see me like this. Just, go back to bed, man. You have to go to work, tomorrow,"

"I know, but are you alright?" I asked him, about to put my hand out to him when he moved away.

That'd be fine if his eyes weren't still closed.

"I'm sorry, dude. I'll be fine in the morning," Kirishima laughed weakly before walking to his room.

"If you need anything from me, I'm always open," I said before walking back into the room Kirishima was letting me stay in.

I don't want to call it my room, because that seems selfish as hell.

I know that Kirishima was okay with letting me move in, and actually encouraged it, but I still feel like an ass for taking advantage of his generosity.

I literally almost threw him out a window, called him a murderer, and other things.

And I bet you money I don't have that more crazy shit will ensue in the following days.

Really don't want to overstay my welcome, so I'm going to look for apartments as soon as possible.

Obviously, that'll be a pain, but I don't want to put the burden that is myself onto Kirishima.

With all the other shit he has to deal with as consequences of learning dark magic, I shouldn't be adding any more weight.

I do wonder, however, why his eyes went yellow.

Dark magic users change eye color due to certain horomones at a high degree, I believe, but I'm unsure as to what color correlates to which horomone.

It's different than people's auras, that much I know.

Like, if a girl has a green aura, she's happy and healthy, whatever. But a dark magic user might be sick or something.

"Probably should research that a little bit," I murmured to myself, grabbing my phone off of its charger.

I went into Google, to see what I could find about dark magic. The first few links I saw were...

Dark Magic Users and Aura

Trying to Learn Dark Magic? Take This Into Consideration!

Dark Magic Users with These Color Eyes are Dangerous

What Horomones Affect Dark Magic Users?

... interesting.

I opened the third link in a new tab and click on the fourth link

From what I gathered after skimming through the article was that horomones don't mean shit.

So, I was wrong.

It has to do with certain thoughts, feelings, scents, ideas, etc.

I went into the other article, seeing which were colors were considered dangerous.

The main colors were black, golden yellow, magenta, and pure pink.

Black was supposedly some emotion much more intense and much worse than rage. It apparently can increase mana tenfold, which would make any powerful user practically unstoppable. They didn't seem to have a name for it, which seems pretty stupid.

They gave an entire history to the feeling, what ideas or feelings might cause it, hell, what scents may cause it!

But no name.

The golden yellow is immense amounts of stress. Stress so intense that the dark magic user may have moments when they aren't in control of themselves or their magic. This also increases mana, but only a little bit.

Kirishima's eyes were just a pale yellow, thankfully, so nothing I should worry about.

Wonder what happened to stress him out, though.

It was probably me...

Magenta and pure pink are also coordinated. The magenta is a purely volatile emotion, swinging between some form of love and a manic depressive state.

It's not good for people who know normal magic, let alone those with dangerous side effects.

That includes dark magic users, duh.

The pure pink is a strong lust feeling. Y'know, almost like that of a heat or rut. Like what an animal goes through.

But, I'm not sure how accurate that one was, since there wasn't much information on it.

It was actually the color with the least information on it, so I'm not sure.

They did give two colors you want to see, though.

The user's normal eye color, and any pastel shade.

No grey, though.

Since that means they're getting a little pissy.

But a pastel purple, practically a lilac hue, is a good color to see, since they're happy, I guess?

Fuck, this is like taking care of a fucking child.

But I'm not taking care of him.

It actually seems to be somewhat vice versa.

Maybe I should get some sleep soon.

I'll do it later.

Some muffled voices could be heard through the walls, but I was too sleepy to try to make them out or use magic to hear them.

Hearing enhancement puts a fuck ton of strain on not only you, but your ears amd your mana.

"I wonder..." I murmured, putting my hand out, palm up.

I've been working on learning water related magic since I began working at the flower shop, and it's been going alright.

I just can't seem to get the hang of hydrokinesis entriely.

Like, I can create small droplets, but creating large sprays or orbs is much harder to do.

So, taking the water I had just drank, I closed my eyes, thinking hard.

Picture the orb, Katsuki. It's not hard. Your mother can do it, so can you. Damn fucking old hag.

"Okay," I whispered, feeling a little something happening.

My wrists were cool, near icy.

Opening my eyes, I hoped to see a glorious orb of water in front of my own two eyes.

Did I?

Of course not.

This ain't no god damn fairy tale.

I just had a puddle.

A sad, little puddle, chilling in my hands.

But it felt, soft?

"What the hell?" I murmured, putting my hand out to touch it.

The small puddle shook, vibrating at top fucking speeds.

"What the hell did I do?" I whispered.

The vibrating stopped as the puddle took a solid form.


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