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Kylies POV
    In the middle of the night Michael had carried me to my room like the sweetheart he is and couldn't help but wake up with bitterness towards my best friend for saying I shouldn't be with him. I mean I get it but then I don't because I made that decision and he said no and now he's saying that's exactly what I should've done. Confusing. I got up quietly trying not to disturb Michael and made him breakfast in bed. Wake up sleepyhead I said He smiled at me, thank you so much he said and kissing me on the lips. I pondered telling him about what Derek has said but thought against it because they are friends too and I think that would hurt Michael to hear his friend saying that.
         Hey today I was wondering if you'd want to hang out with my friends? he asked For you? Of course I said I don't really know his friends but they're jocks and cheerleaders, I know they mean a lot to him and he's always hanging around my friends or Derek and Jenna I should say. Good we'll be heading to my friend's Thomas and Liams cabin for three days he said Thomas and Liam? I asked They're twins, fraternal and their parents have gone away he says We'll have a room, oh and Derek and Jenna are going too he adds before getting up to get ready. So I'm going to head to my house and pack and I'll be back to pick you up in an hour he says kissing my forehead goodbye Okay see you in a bit I said
         I packed all kinds of outfits just in case the weather decided to change up out of now where and I still had forty minutes to spare. To say I was nervous was an understatement, these were Michaels friends and they could not like me, although Derek and Jenna will be there it doesn't help that Derek said what he said and I didn't tell Michael. I decided to take a bath to calm my nerves with a bottle of wine. When my bathroom door abruptly opened and in came my ant. Oh good you have wine she said picking it up and drinking it herself. Is everything okay? I asked Honey I should be asking you that because I have been a shit ant but I have my reasons she says My brother raped you she adds and I couldn't stop him, I remember when you were a baby and I first held you in my arms and from there I swore I would always be your protective fun aunt she says a tear slipping from her eye Any how I see you have a bag packed, where are you off to? She asked wiping her face trying to compose back to her cold expression.
           A cabin with my boyfriend and his friends I said trying not to fret on what she just said to me. I've been trying to move forward and it's like she ripped off the bandage. Okay be safe she said How was your business trip I asked Oh it was great they're expanding my company and I was thinking we could move into a bigger house or maybe get a dog she says looking away from me. Eh I love your house how it is I said Our house, bye hun see you when you get back she says and gets up from the bathroom floor and left. Great more stress on my mind. I got out the bath and got dressed. Thankfully Michael arrived within five minutes of me being done.
          Bye I yelled leaving the house. Michael waited at the passenger door taking my bag and putting it in the trunk. You're such a gentleman I said giving him a kiss. Anything for you he says closing the door behind me. Oh Derek and Jenna wanna carpool if that's cool he said Oh yeah cool I said trying not to let my expression nor words show what I really mean
Something wrong ? He asked No I said quickly just the weirdest thing happened with my ant I added
           Wanna talk about it before we get Jenna ? He asked Sure I said I mean it's not much to fret on she just came in while I was in a bath and grabbed the wine I was drinking—you were drinking wine? he said cutting me off  Yeah why? I asked kinda ticked off that he cut me off Oh nothing just not vodka your favorite he says laughing Yeah yeah I say And then what happened he says looking at me wanting more then I gave. Well I asked if she was alright and she said I should be asking you that- my brother raped you and how she couldn't do anything and how when I was a baby she made this pact and she actually showed me emotion I said
              Michael had pulled the car over and grabbed both my hands so I would face him. We don't have to go he says What are you crazy I said These are your friends you definitely have to go and show face I added But you are my girlfriend and if you aren't up to it just say the word he says kissing the knuckles on my left hand. I put his car in drive, come on what am I going to do stay home and dwell on it ? I say
        You're so strong and I love you more and more he says I love you I say as I put on music. I sat back in the seat and all these thoughts started consuming me but were stopped once we pulled up to Jennas. Derek and Jenna were waiting on the front porch. Michael and I both hopped out his car. He helped Derek carry the bags to the car and I hugged Jenna hello. You okay? She asks low so the boys don't hear. I'll tell you later I answered She nodded and we all got in the car. I decided to sit in the back since it was going to take two hours to get there and all I wanted was to sleep and not face Derek. I closed my eyes last seeing Michael worryingly glance at me through the mirror.


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