Make up

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Kylies POV
        Michaels alarm was going off when I awakened in the movie room. A blanket draped over his naked bottom half and I tangled with a blanket and his body. He smiled down on me, Goodmorning and I missed this he says pecking my lips. Morning I say can't help the smile portrayed on my lips. My hangover though had made me groan. Hangover he asks I nodded yes as I felt nauseous take over. I ran for the toilet with a blanket to spew the McDonald's we had eaten last night. I got up from the toilet and brushed my teeth. Michael joined me and rubbed soothing circles on my back. I got dressed in leggings and a hoodie that Michael had left here a while ago with my adidas sneakers and my micheal kor shades.
      You look sexy Michael says scooping me up in his arms. Oh you liar I say I never lie he says planting a kiss to my temple. He decided to wear sweatpants to school to match my comfy fit and wore shades as well. Heading to school the ride was so nice especially since I wasn't driving. He got me coffee and headed to school after. Walking into school we got a couple of stares but nothing could compare to seeing Jennas squeal of excitement. Oh my gosh you two!
         I'm so glad she says Well at least you're happy Derek says And hungover he adds lifting my shades. Oh stop I say putting them back on. Remember what we talked about he says to Michael and walks off. Well any who what's your plans after school I was thinking we could go on a triple date me you and Ang Jenna says Jake? I ask Yes how'd you know she asked I had a feeling I say shrugging at my psychic abilities. With that we walked off to Ms Birch class. Kylie take them off she quickly scolded as me and Michael entered the classroom I decided I would banter with her and just slid then up like a headband. I groaned as the light made a headache brew. Michael sat next to me in the back and kept softly drawing circles on the back of my hand.
                 The rest of my classes went as smooth as possible with a hangover could be. Finally lunch came and I couldn't wait to sleep after. A nap is definitely a must today I can barely function. I went to put my head down when a smoothie was placed in front of me, I get it no food but at least put something in your stomach Michael says Thank you I say I took big three gulps and then placed my head down on my arms. The cafeteria was extra loud today and everyone was driving ever bit of nerve in my brain.
Ang sat next to me, you okay she whispered Yeah just hungover I say putting my head up resting it on my hand as I drink more. Oliver sat at our table today and was talking to Michael. So are you excited for tonight she ask taking a bite of her pizza after. Sure I say Hey how are you and Jake ? How did it happen if you don't mind me asking please talk above the nimrods though I say grumpy She giggled at me and then proceeded to tell me how Jake and her hit it off at the party and she ended up crashing at his place, he has his own apartment and she said how they have lots of sleep overs. She seemed really happy, I'm glad her and Jake got together but she was holding something back.
       She had a distant look when she spoke of him but not one where she was focused on what she was saying but where it took her back to a place that was before this. I know that look, what happened to you I thought. The sound of the bell alarmed that lunch was over. Walking to Michaels locker to get his keys for him and I ran into Derek. Hey I say as I open Michaels locker. Hey listen about earlier I'm happy for you but I don't want you to get hurt and I really don't know if I can trust Michael after that he says Ah I found it I say pulling out the keys and closing his locker Listen I understand I really do but I love him I say I gave him a hug and walked off to the parking lot. I decided to drive since he drove earlier even though all I wanted was to sleep. Hey so Jenna wants to reschedule the date to tomorrow because we have practice, football and cheer he says Oh thank god I say sighing pulling into my driveway. You didn't want to he asks getting out the car I do but my headache and all I want to do is sleep I say. We headed to my room as soon as we walked through the door. I took some pills to try and subside the headache and Michael laid down with me. I'll have to leave around 4 ish okay ? He says Yeah can you let yourself out if I fall asleep I say massaging my temples. He started to rub my head and I fell into a dreamless sleep.
    Michaels POV
   Kylie had drifted off to sleep and I could help but get an overwhelming feeling of concern her head was really bothering her. I never want to hurt her again nor see her in pain. I wonder how long it's been since she's taken medication. Something I want to talk about the next time she gets bad again but I don't know quite how to. I stayed for two hours watching her sleep making sure no nightmare where happening in that pretty little head of hers. Driving away from her and heading to practice is something I didn't want to do. But coach insisted this practice with a big game coming up and scouts looking.
                 Hey man I say to Derek tying my laces. Hey, you took Kylie home right ? How's she doing he ask Derek always worried and I don't blame him. She has a bad headache today she actually took medication for it I say Dam it must be bad because she never looks to pills he says Yeah do you know why ? I ask She told
Me that they change how she feels often make he feel worse then help her, I remember she said she feels like she's trapped behind a glass and someone else takes the reins he says looking off. Well here's to a good practice and ran off. Practice resumed and boy was it going to be a long one.

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