(Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet idk just a warning im a meme attic)
"Y/n come get yall juice"mom shouted fome the kitchen.So i started wallking down the stares then before i get to the bottom. I hear a ear piercing scream then i started booking it to the kitchen.
Left ,right ,left then directly ahead 3 men covered in blood.
I slowly backed away but failed on staying quite. I bumped into the vase and it falled to the ground and exploded into shards. I knew I had to run I turned and Ran same way I went running into my room closing the door and locking it.
I knew it would not be enough so i put my dresser in front of the door. I looked around for anything that could be used as a weapon was a Golf Club and a butter knife what should I use
I choose the golf club cuz why not I mean it's the best weapon I can use mean what is the butter knife going to do butter them. nice. I'm stupid I should call the cops but I'm still going to have to bring the club with me I love golf clubs.
I walk over to the side of my bed and I grab my iPhone 11. I love this phone cuz I can go offline and I mean people can track you but if you want to take the tracker off you can but I type in nine-one-one and they don't answer great well I go to the door and they started banging on the door...
I walked around the room while they were distracted and grabbed stuff that I would need such as clothes and a brush the one thing that I brought with me though is a few of my toys. I'm 10 years old I don't need them is technically just a want.
Just as I put the rest of my stuff in my backpack and zip it close. I seen a very disturbing mask I walked towards the window and the person made a hole through the door.
"here's masky" just as he said that I would not move but I over powered my fear open my window by the time I had one of my legs to the window the dresser was moved out the way and the whole door was on the floor I put the rest of my body through the window and and slid off the tile all the way to where it was close to the first story.
Right as I was close to the ground I grabbed the edge of the roof hold on then let go then I ran into the street. but right as I cross a car was coming it hit me.
I was being held by someone then far off my distance I heard sirens. I couldn't feel any of my limbs I was numb the only thing I was able to do is mouth the words send help. yes I heard the sirens and all but there were still people in the house that we're probably dead by now.

Not Done Yet (creepypastas X depressed reader)
Actiondepressed story line........ mostly all my storys are depressed and full of magic so yaa im officialy dead inside............................................................................HELP