Soon I've arrived at where it was supposed to be my uncle's house. The area was quite big and a little less Lively.
Once we started driving through the gates I soon realized the house wasn't a regular house the house was two stories almost the same as mine but looks like as if it had five or six rooms with in the house. the house was a nice smooth (favorite color).
"Hello doctor would that happen to be my niece (y/n)"
" yes it would be sir but it would be best not to make her more emotional than she should. It could damage her brain more then what we thought but you should be fine. All you have to do is sign your name on a little bit of paperwork and then we'll be done"
" all right sir it has been a pleasure doing business with you. I can't believe how much my niece has grown I haven't even seen her since she was 4 or 5 I don't know"
Suddenly I hear the door click
"Hey dear can you come out of the car please I'll help with the luggage but just wait at the side for me for a second all right (y/n)"
"Yes sir but you don't have to help with my luggage if anything I should be less of a bother to you"
" Alright whatever floats your boat"
After a few minutes the doctor Popped the trunk of the car. There was the box and my luggage. I took my luggage out first then I put the Box on top and started dragging it towards the stairs.
"Okay let's go inside dear I finished the papers so all you have to do is I guess set up your room"
"Um.. Thank you im sorry"
"There is nothing to be sorry about (y/n) none of this is your fault"
Right after that he brought me inside the house and we both walked up the stairs we went straight a few steps then right.
He clicked open a door and the whole room was a nice (f/c).
All right dear it's late will set up your room tomorrow as what you would like it to be. But I think you would need your rest even though you've just been in a coma but you still need sleep.
"Okay Uncle I will... see you tomorrow morning I guess"
"Good night"
(??? P.O.V)
"Slender I believe we have found her!"
"Wait you did"
"Yeah she just woke up from a coma I'm getting hit by a car. I don't know exactly where she is but I bet if we go to the hospital and get some answers out of the doctors will find out where she is."
"Alright Ben I'll believe what you say"

Not Done Yet (creepypastas X depressed reader)
Actiondepressed story line........ mostly all my storys are depressed and full of magic so yaa im officialy dead inside............................................................................HELP