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Looking down. hands in my pockets. Headphones blaring. I walked the corridors of Keaton high school. In this school and pretty much every aspect of my life, I'm invisible. I go unnoticed by my peers, my educators and most importantly, my parents.

Now, I'm not invisible in the physical sense of 'people of incapable of seeing me'.. No. I'm invisible in the sense that no one takes notice of me. No one stops to say hello, no one even takes a second to glance in my direction, quite often, my teachers forget I'm in their class.. None of that has ever really bothered me, well not really.

The one that bothers me and truly hurts me the most is my parents.
They're always too busy for me, too busy to say good morning, too busy to say goodnight or goodbye as I leave for school in the morning. Always going on business trips, never bothering to leave me food or even a cent to buy any.
Always planning holidays constantly without putting me into consideration. "You stay at home, Grayson, water the plants and feed the cat" is the only thing my father would mutter to me as they leave on their week long vacations to Bali, Florida, Spain or whatever exotic location they were 'feeling' that month

I was knocked out of my thoughts by a loud bang coming from the lockers off to the right of where I had perched myself, I could here laughing and joking from every direction of other students going about their normal life, I desperately wished I could have a normal happy life, a happy family to wake me up on a weekday, make me pancakes, kiss me on the cheek as I left for school. I wish I had a small group of friends I could hang out with, share all my secrets with, have little inside joke with. But unfortunately that's not how life works, I haven't even had a single friend since I started at this godforsaken school.
I have gotten so used to being alone that even if I had someone I could give the title 'My Best Friend' I probably would know what to do with one.

The bell rung signaling the first lesson has begun, I stood up and trudged my way, I wasn't in a particular rush to get there.

The hours ticked by painfully slowly and I waited for the moment I could leave. 3 o'clock hit and I headed out of class, another boring school day completed, I let out a sigh as I pushed my headphones atop my head and started the serene walk home.

I find walking peaceful, it's where I can really let my thoughts roam, I agree, letting my mind wander isn't always the best option, my thoughts tend to lead down a dark path, when I'm not careful enough. The brisk walk home was gentle, a slight breeze from the Autumn season, trees covered in red, orange, yellow and brown leaves. Mixed with green leaves that have not changed yet, a lot of which have already fallen to the ground. A slight crunching sound can be heard as I walk over the piles of leaves on the sidewalk.

I open the front door, locking it behind me and checking my phone before tossing it gently on the kitchen bench. I don't know why I always check my phone when I arrive home in the afternoons, no one ever messages me, not even my own mother.
I check the pantry and fridge for any remnants of food, 'of course' I think to myself, why would they bother to make sure their son had food, I shake my head and reach back into the pantry, I find a muesli bar in the back and rip open the package, 'this'll have to do'. My parents are actually quite wealthy, otherwise how else would they be able to afford the many extravagant holidays they always go on. My mum works as a very successful lawyer and my dad, and my dad is a professional football player, both jobs paying well. Their house is very modern and very big, 5 bedrooms, two kitchens and two bathroom, plus a bathroom in mine and my parents room. Despite their financial status, they never go food shopping as they are never home for 'that long', obviously forgetting they have a child they have to look after.

I finish the bar and head straight for my room, plugging the phone into charge, I then head for the bathroom. I start the water to allow the shower to heat up as I strip my clothes off and look in the mirror. I look deep into my dark brown eyes, taking note of the large dark bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, insomnia is my worst enemy, never being able to sleep when I desperately needed it and falling as sleep when I try my hardest so stay awake, my eyes then trail down my body, stopping at my torso and stomach, I'd be considered underweight by most medical professionals, not like my parents would care, all they ever care about is work, their own child is dead last on their list of responsibilities, Lastly I look at my arms, my right hand stroking the pink and white scars by my wrist that have healed over the years and the slightly newer cuts and scars made in the last months. I bow my head and jump in the shower allowing the water and steam to consume me, after my shower, I wrap a towel around my waist and blow dry my hair, I head out of my room, I then feed Frodo, he's my silver tabby, he's a chubby cat, but also the sweetest cat in the whole world, I forgot to mention he's blind in his left eye which is a little difficult for him but he's adjusted well, After giving Frodo a pat, I head back to my room.
I dress in a pair of light great sweat pants and my fall out boy Tshirt.

I lay in bed but am awake for hours pondering life, wishing and hoping,
I fall asleep around 3 am to the soft purrs of the cat as he curls himself under the covers by the foot of the bed.


Yello! This is my second story and I don't quite know where it's headed yet but I'll kinda just figure it out as I go

... Oh. And BTW the part about Frodo (the cat) that is the exact description and name of my cat so I just wanted to add him in ☺

Also very sorry this is shit

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