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The mentality of the troops, both Arthdal ​​and Ago, was equally destroyed after the loss of their leaders. Eunsom and Saya disappeared like they were swallowed up by the earth. Mubaek had looked for them, but had not found them anywhere.

The Arthdal ​​troops are still better because they still have Mubaek, while the Ago troops have really been discouraged even though Karika still exists. Their camp was burnt up, so did their food. Now they are hiding in Mount Hasi. Arthdal ​​troops are still hunting for them. Most want to decide to just give up, return to live as a poor slave.

"Really? We've come this far, just a little further towards glory, and you want to give up and go back to being a loser?" Nagged Ipsaeng.

"Then how? Inaishingi is gone, either dead or running away. Soon we will all die, whether killed by them, or starving," Tachoogan said.

The tip of Karika's lips lifted, "So, after all, we will still die, right? Choose, you want to die of starving as a loser slave or die honorably as a warrior?"

All the Ago people were silent.

"You can speak so easily because you and your tribe are tribes of fighters who are used to war. We are just commoners who never take up arms. This war is our first experience," Miroosol murmured.

"I know. But even ordinary people can fight for their lives. A mother struggles while giving birth to her children, a father struggles to earn a living for his family's needs, and you struggle to be free from the bondage of slavery. Inaishingi is not only down in Eunsom. You all are Inaishingi."

The faces of the Ago people began to look excited again. Karika raises her fist.

"Fight to the end !!!"


Hearing news from Yeonbal about the situation on the battlefield, made Tagon's mind raged. His army succeeded in occupying the opponent's camp and repelling Ago troops. That means one step towards victory. But his son, Saya, disappeared. Don't know whether he's dead or alive.

Saya indeed not his biological son. Twenty years ago, Sanung kidnapped the grandchildren of a Neanthal tribal leader, a year after Tagon proposed to poison them. Neanthal's leader, Rankruv and his son, Ragaz are still alive and are considered a threat to Arthdal. Those who initially wanted to take revenge and sound war drums, were forced to surrender through the abduction.

Rankruv surrendered and was beheaded before the people. But his grandchildren were still not returned to his parents. Ragaz who was angry, tried to attack Arthdal ​​with his men, but they were all defeated and killed. Sanung also wanted to kill the baby he had kidnapped, but Tagon began to feel pity. Because he himself is also an offpring of Igutu, the result of one night's love between his father and a Neanthal woman. Then Tagon lied, saying the baby had been killed even though he had hidden it in the tower, was adopted as his child, and given name Saya. Although he never showed it, Tagon loved Saya.

"Who is to blame for the loss of our General?" Tagon murmured.

"Of course, our highest priestess. She is not serious in praying. The war is not really over. Now the General is gone. What if things suddenly turn around? Before that happens, we should replace her," suggested Taealha.

"But she is a direct descendant of Asa Sin ..."

"Who cares about direct descendants or not if lives are on the edge?"

"Then, what punishment is appropriate for a priestess who is incompetent to pray for this country?"

Taealha smiled crookedly, "of course the death sentence ..."

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