Chapter 1

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There he stood across the aisle
And gently yet warmly he smiled
To hide and fake how he's fertile
As a snowflake on a cold winter night,he flew
Away as far distance could keep
Yet knowing him, I'm certain he knew
Won't bid a step nor take the leap

He's a man rightful to his words
And to run away and escape what's been promised
He knew well the consequences are worst
Though I wish as much it's us destined
I ain't stupid to go after something beyond my reach,
Perhaps I only chose to be blind
This heart that pounds a screech
With you around is all I find
Even if you're with someone else
Know my love for you is true
Truly yours,consider it a flu
I'd get sick but never of you
It's time that'll separate us from our broken half

We exchange our vows,
Front the altar then the priest exclaimed
"Witnessed the god, abiding by the laws
Husband and wife you are, truthfully you've been married",
He turned to dear love of my life and gave him a smirk
"You may kiss the bride"
And slowly he turned to me and gently smiled,
The love of my life,this dwerp
Is now lawfully,legally and officially my husband

He pulled me gently close
I see his features and how I'll get to see this beauty everyday
When I wake up, this I wouldn't ever wanna lose
His breath that could take me away
Travels down to the chills of my spine
Everything just seems to be fine
I wanna live at the moment, reminiscing thy bond
He's all I could ask for and get this, he's hella cute
His curly black hair that blows along the breeze
That fairly, flawless white skin makes him look so much younger
Fluffy cheeks I'd never get sick to squeeze
This man that came to become my lover
I'd sing a song to him with thee flute
And to the morning sunshine
My alarm clock rang
I cried and wept
To find it all a dream from when I slept
The birds joyously sang,
I broke in tears,onto the pillow I shoved my face
I swear to never give up
Til' I make you mine :))

So wait for me down the aisle
In a beautiful white gown
I shall witness your smile
Love of mine, care lighten my frown?
Wait for me, front the altar by your side
As your lawfully beloved bride❤️

09- 12 - 2008

*Allison's POV*

Heh.... the hell that was cheesy AF ... and you're telling me this was my composition 11 years ago?? Haha ha...I am so disappointed. Even before, academics really was never my thing, no wonder with that awful grammar and what's up with that rhyming scheme?? this point, it actually feels great to criticize my old work, I could feel the hatred to myself.

Hi.. I'm Allison Flores, 19 years old well technically I'm turning 20 in 3 days but yea I don't care, now here's the thing, no judging but I'm actually a dropout in highschool 2 years ago when I was in 11th grade. Like I said, not my thing. In the simplest word possible, I'm stupid... a dumb person... unlucky. What's my reason to dropping out of highschool? Failing grades. Financial Issues. Lack of motivation. Just cuz I want to.

Honestly, my parents are against it and to this day, they still are. They want me to study Accounting and Finance just because mY oLdEr BrOtHeR gRaDuAtEd iN tHaT fRiGgIn CoUrSe... like what the fric— who does that?! Seriously?! YOU CAN'T HAVE SOMEONE ENROLL IN ACCOUNTING FINANCE WHATSOEVER JUST BECAUSE THEIR ELDER BROTHER DID YOU GHHJJKHFG—-// ok gurl chill, don't let your emotions get to you...

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