Chapter 2

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" Ahh well, it can't really be helped.... i guess"

"I'm really really sorry babe, it was quite sudden"

"Yea... I'll go ahead"
"Okay take care, love you!!"

S i g h he's really upset... GOSHH why do they always have to plan their stupid family outings at such a bad time ugh

" ALLISON!! ," mom screams down from the kitchen.
"Get down here, NOW!! Someone came to see you, effing hoe!"

"The only hoe here is you, mom" I annoyingly murmured to myself. I put my hood on and went on my way downstairs. I was only about three steps to landing when I felt familiar with the voice talking to my mom.... it was Uncle Jones. At the knowledge of it, I faced back and attempted to climb back to my room but someone dragged my hood from the back of my head.
"M- mom.... hehe I forgot my lip balm upstairs, I was just gonna get it ," my palms sweating. Mom observed me, looking at me from bottom to top then handed over a paperbag to me. I stared at it then ran away, not even bothering to grab the paper bag being offered to me. I just had to get out of there.

Holy c r a p. Why the hell is HE here?? More on, he came to see me whA??? Ok ok I NEED to gET THE EFF OUTTA HERE anD fAST—-// the window, maybe? Nah. I'd crack my ribs. Perhaps I could find my way around the kitchen and avoid contact with anyone and get out safely? Seems pretty risky. Hmm...




I hear footsteps from outside.... loud and clear footsteps, seemingly coming from a huge person and the sounds are gradually getting closer. I could feel the intensity of my heartbeat, my forehead sweating, and I can't move an inch of my body.

All the sudden, the sound of footsteps stopped and there was a knock on my door;; that's when I snapped it. I was in immediate panic and was left with one choice. Quickly, I stepped one foot on the window sill and applied force on my other foot, jumping off our 2-story townhome. I looked down to check my surroundings and the area was clear so I was satisfied. Of course, it doesn't change the fact I'd be fallin on cement and my butt's boutta be numb but it's better than landing on something like a rock, a wire, or worse... a human person??? Yea I wouldn't want that. And after landing, I'd still have to make a go for the run tho so the pain will have to wait~


What the—- owwwghh; I struggle in pain holding my ankle with both hands. Slowly, I open my eyes to find a volleyball bouncing away from where I was. It seems that sOMEONE rolled around this ball right when I was aiming for a clear landing to escape??? Bruh B R U H whAT This isn't something to joke about, my ankles seriously fucking hurt oww

10:34am Tuesday

I open my eyes dramatically as I slowly rise from my hospital bed. It's been 2 weeks since that incident, and now my 12th day of staring at the ceiling 😃 ....  and slowly .... losing my sanity....  A A A A A A screw this! My routine has been like this for the past 2 weeks and this is just ugh, I'm literally locked in here with my phone and life's been a pain in the ass. It's true that my phone is basically my power supply aside from money lololol but this... this is just a no from me olritee

You see, Jason hasn't at all texted nor called me. I get it that he's busy with college but hellooo??? I'm injured? I'm in the hospital? B r u h

And well my family? They hardly ever visit and honestly prefer it that way. ISTG ABBY THE MOMENT MY LEG'S IN GOOD CONDITION I WILL—- hit you with my greatest spikes in volleyball:> E ehem just because I'm really just a good sister so I took matters into consideration~ so be thankful bitch BE THANKFUL THAT I AM BORN AN ANGEL 😇 🙏🏻😌

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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