Untitled Story Part

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This is my first ever story so sorry if its not very good :)

Vickys pov so the day has come for me to leave all of my loved ones behind and leave texas ,my parents say its for the best but my life is almost perfect where I am but you cant argue with them or it will just end in a desaster

When we get to the airport were just in time for the flight so we cant all sit together my parents sit next to each other and me and my brother go on a search for otherseats

Josh (my brother ) has so problem finding a seat next to a kind old lady a couple of seats away from our parents but me on the otherhand have no look until I get to right at the back of the plane where there is a seat next to a young boy about my age with brown hair which kinda swoops to the side all I have to do is ask him if I can sit there and everything will be fine.

A few minutes later I work up the courage to ask him "exscuse me sorry to bother you but is anyone sitting next to you" seconds later he replies with " erm no you can sit there if you want to"

He seemed very shy

Jc pov
Argggg soo much editing why dose it have to take so long I wish you could click your fingers and would just be done for you but just as its loading I look up and see this girl and she looks very cute but theres no way that she would want to talk to me im not anything specal yeah I make a few videos not not that great she is probably just gonna walk strait past me and that will be the end of that.

I see her walking closer and closer to me and then she talks to me " exscuse me sorry to bother you but is anyone sitting next to you " I freeze for a second she must realize because she gives me weird eye gestures finally I get the words out "erm no you can sit here if you want to"

Im allways so shy around girls

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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